From the NDPHS Evaluation Team April 22, 2008 Brussels An Update to the CSR From the NDPHS Evaluation Team April 22, 2008 Brussels
Purpose To provide members of the CSR with an update on the activities to date by the NDPHS Evaluation Team. Following the last CSR Meeting in Kaliningrad, November 2007, the Evaluation Team met for the first time in Vilnius, during the PAC Meeting. I had the opportunity to provide a brief update to the CSR members who were present.
Evaluation Team Members Chair: Robert Shearer, Canada Members: Mogens Jörgensen, Denmark Thomas Ifland, Germany Viktoras Meizis, Lithuania Jørgen Kaurin, Norway Toril Roscher-Nielsen, Norway Evgeny Slastnykh, Russia Marek Maciejowski, Secretariat Bernd Treichel, Secretariat
Consultant Contracted Following a competitive process, we are pleased to announce that Dirk van den Boom of the Centre for Evaluation, from the University of Saarbrucken, Germany, was chosen to assist the Evaluation Team with this important task. Contact information: Phone: +49 681 685 38 87
Brussels Evaluation Team Meeting On March 12th, 2008, the Evaluation Team met at the Mission of Canada to the European Union. Dirk van den Boom had the opportunity to meet the members of the Evaluation Team present, and also participate in the meeting of the NDPHS Working Group Chairs and International Technical Advisors. The minutes of this meeting are available on the NDPHS website.
Brussels Evaluation Team Meeting Meeting Outcomes: The team agreed to endorse the terms of reference as proposed. (available at this meeting). The final report needs to be structured to assist the CSR to determine the future directions for the NDPHS. The report should not exceed 50 pages. Appropriate annexes could be included.
Brussels Evaluation Team Meeting Outcomes Continued The CSR Chair will facilitate discussions with the consultant and the NDPHS Stakeholders and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and respective Ministries of Health (by visiting some partner countries this year and possible phone calls to encourage partner responses for the evaluation process). Questions? Note: It was suggested that Ministries of Social Affairs be consulted.
CSR April 21-22, 2008 Interviews will be conducted during this meeting for most participants. Dirk van den Boom has provided us with an outline of the interview process and a schedule was circulated in advance of this meeting. This is the initial stage of our evaluation process. 17 interviews are planned and will be conducted over a 1 ½ hour period.
Content of Interviews Framework, scope and objectives Questions will be asked around the following areas: Framework, scope and objectives Overall structure and organisation Impact and Progress of the Partnership Commitment of the NDPHS actors Questions for Expert Group Members Other Issues
In Addition to these Interviews The Evaluation Team is recommending that each partner country respond to the following three questions in a written format. How would you characterize the impact of the Partnership so far? How would you describe the commitment of partner countries to the Partnership so far? What is your view on the perspective and the need for the Partnership in the future?
In Addition to these Interviews As Chair of the Evaluation Team, I will be forwarding an email request, immediately following this meeting, requesting that these questions be responded to in writing, no later than June 13, 2008. These responses will be returned to Robert Shearer, at the Mission of Canada to the European Union, and compiled into a full narrative report. This summary report will be provided to the evaluator, and will be taken into account in his final report.
Additional Information The evaluation process conducted by the consultant will continue with: Written questionnaires for EG-members following the interviews done with EG chairs Additional meetings already planned in Berlin and Stockholm to continue face-to-face interviews with available NDPHS-stakeholders Document-analysis of all documents available through the NDPHS-website Additional telephone-interviews where deemed necessary
Questions or Comments Your ongoing participation and involvement is key to making this evaluation a success! Your Evaluation Team is committed to keeping you informed as we progress in this important work.