Chapter 9 – Module 28 Water Resources
Agriculture, Industry and Household Needs Agriculture- the largest use of water around the world. Over the last 50 years, the amount of water used for irrigation throughout the world has doubled because of the increase in human population.
Agriculture, Industry and Household Needs Irrigation techniques- - a trench that is flooded with water.
Agriculture, Industry and Household Needs Irrigation techniques- - the entire field is flooded with water.
Agriculture, Industry and Household Needs Irrigation techniques- - an apparatus that sprays water across a field.
Agriculture, Industry and Household Needs Irrigation techniques- - the most efficient method - using a slow dripping hose that is laid on or buried beneath the soil.
Agriculture, Industry and Household Needs New irrigation techniques- Hydroponic agriculture - crops grown in fertilized water and no soil.
Agriculture, Industry and Household Needs Industry- the second largest user of water worldwide. Processes include: Power plants: cooling and condensing steam. Processing of metals (mining, melting/cooling). Manufacturing: plastic, paper, cotton, etc. It takes 1.85 gallons of water just to manufacture the plastic for a average bottle of water! One pound of cotton requires 101 gallons of water. Paper mills use approximately 17,000 gallons per ton of paper.
Agriculture, Industry and Household Needs Households- the third largest user of water worldwide . Which country do you think uses the most water? Which of these do you think uses the most?
The Future of Water Availability Water ownership- people can have rights to water use, but they do not own the water. Water conservation- using techniques such as more efficient water fixtures, faucets and washing machines.