USDA-APHIS-PPQ Regulated Garbage Program APHIS-IFSA Sept.29 2015
Why APHIS Regulates Garbage? To protect American agriculture and natural resources from the introduction and spread of plant and animal pest and diseases that may be harbored in plants and meat derived food products arriving to the United States APHIS’ goal: to focus on increasing effectiveness, efficiency, flexibility, and collaboration, placing our greatest attention on the highest risk
What is APHIS Regulates Garbage? Definition: All meals including fresh fruit, vegetables, meat products and associated materials unconsumed by passengers and crew arriving in conveyance to the United States.
What has changed? PPQ (PHSS) are now Regulated Garbage Leads points of contact Report to State Plant Health Directors (SPHD) Veterinary Medical Officers (VMO) support as subject matter experts Both SPHDs and VMOs will also serve as points of contact for you when needed Contacts Lists are on the Regulated Garbage website
APHIS Regulated Garbage Program What’s working well? RG Compliance Agreement processes More personnel available to expedite processes Points of contact in every state
APHIS Regulated Garbage Program What are we still working on? Identifying opportunities to streamline processes Working toward an automated compliance agreement application/approval process Improving the skills of employees and the tools they use so they can be more effective and be better positioned to respond to your needs
Questions??? Jose Ceballos National Policy Manager USDA APHIS PPQ QPAS Riverdale MD 301/851-2312
Challenges for Industry USDA/APHIS FDA State EPA Other(s)