Recipe for making a more usable library catalog
Photo by Kimberly Vardeman, Flickr,
Washington County Cooperative Library Services Hello! I am Marie Martin Web Administrator Washington County Cooperative Library Services
Questions for you Housekeeping
Why customize the PAC? Branding Usability Consistent, quality online experience
Better usability means: + improved appearance + increased user happiness
Usability / Accessiblity 1 Usability / Accessiblity
Buttons Problems out of the box : - Clickable area - Contrast
Buttons Customized
Buttons How did we fix the buttons? + display: block; + padding on anchor elements + strong contrast between text color and background color
Checking Contrast Juicy Studio Luminosity Colour Contrast Ratio Analyzer Web Aim Color Contrast Checker
2 Usability Testing
Tools We’ve used Treejack, OptimalSort and Chalkmark over the years
Menus OptimalSort for online and physical card sorts Used for both public-facing website and staff Extranet Public site: we were able to come up with 6 top-level menu items based on patron test results, which we then translated into wireframes that we shared with library staff for further testing.
3 Analytics
Know your users Cookie Dough by Kayla, Flickr, Oat chocolate chip cookie by Liliana Fuchs, Flickr,
Remote vs in-house Combined PACs: 40% remote visitors 60% in-house
+ clickable/tapable area for links + modified text strings for clarity (Language Editor)
Language Editor
Menus Default Custom
4 Branding
Colors Logo is great, but the green doesn’t have enough contrast with our standard whit background. Had to tweak the colors to find a darker palette, created our own color palette guide that the web team uses for reference whenever we’re updating anything on the site. Keeps us consistent and in line with our logo use guidelines.
5 CSS Tools
Dev Tools
Testing Tools iPad and iPhone by Sean MacEntee, Flickr,
Wrap up
Thanks! Any questions? You can reach me at Slides will be at
Resources Juicy Studio Color Contrast Analyser WebAIM Color Contrast Checker Coquitlam public library (“vanilla” PAC screenshots)
Resources – Card-sort article Usability Testing article in The Active Librarian journal Language Editor (Polaris tool)
Presentation template by SlidesCarnival Photographs by Unsplash Credits Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: Presentation template by SlidesCarnival Photographs by Unsplash This template is free to use under Creative Commons Attribution license. You can keep the Credits slide or mention SlidesCarnival and other resources used in a slide footer.