Understanding Your Contract Twanna Buford, Diana Blackwell, Ruben Castillo (TWC)
Overview I. Understanding the parts of the contract 1. Layout 2. Structure 3. Deliverables II. Point of contact and deliverable submissions 1. Program Specialist 2. Contract Specialist 3. Deliverable submissions III. Budget Adjustments 1. Adjustment vs. Amendments 2. How to Request IV. CDER Access V. Questions
Contract Layout General Terms and Conditions Attachment A Attachment B Attachment C Attachment D General Terms and Conditions, Attachment B, Attachment C are the same for all contracts from a specific Request For Proposal (RFP). Attachments A, B-1, and D are provider specific. Let’s review the provider-specific Attachments.
Attachment A – Statement of Work Section 1 – Project Abstract - Identifies the provider, service area, and objectives of the project. Section 2 & 3 – Applicable Contract Authorities & Allowable Services/Activities – Identifies the Fiscal and Contractual authorities as well as Allowable Activities. Section 4 – Eligibility – Identifies Eligible Population and Eligibility Requirements. Section 5 – Award specific requirements – Lists requirements for Intake, Assessment, Orientation, etc. Section 6 – Activities and Performance Measures – This section contains the deliverables table as well as deliverables due dates. Section 7 – Reporting Requirements – Contains information for final written report as well as federal reporting requirements.
Attachment D UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS, COST PRINCIPLES AND AUDIT REQUIREMENTS FOR FEDERAL AWARDS Identifies reportable grant information as required by Uniform Grant Guidance from Office of Budget Management, Section 200.331, Requirements for Pass-Through Entities Lists source of funds as well as Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) numbers and descriptions. Also lists Indirect Cost Rate provided to Texas Workforce Commission during the contracting process.
Attachment B-1
Deliverables TWC uses deliverables to assist in monitoring program and contract performance and progress, and to stay informed about changes that may have occurred within the provider’s organization. Providers are not required to use any agency templates that were included in the contract package if they feel they do not meet their organization’s reporting needs. Providers may develop their own templates or modify the existing ones to better align with their reporting requirements.
Deliverables- Naming Conventions Please adhere to the naming conventions for submitting all deliverables on any contracts with TWC. The two naming conventions are: For quarterly submissions: (Contract Number)_(YR)(Quarter)(Deliverable name) 0116AEL001_Y1Q1Narrative For all other submissions: (Contract Number)_(Deliverable #)(Deliverable name) 0116AEL001_6.1.5RevisedCIP Please submit all deliverables to: aelcontracts@twc.state.tx.us
Points of Contact for Technical Assistance
Program Specialist Contract Specialist assists with assists with Enrollment questions Contract questions Student Testing Fiscal inquiries Professional development Budget adjustments Intake and Screening Allowable Activities/Expenses Program Related questions Non-Program related questions If you are unsure who to send a question to, please copy both the Program Specialist and the Contract Specialist
Budget Adjustments vs. Budget Amendments New language allows for moving an aggregate amount of less than or equal to 20% without needing an amendment. Excerpt from Attachment B
Submit a Revised B-1 via the Budget Adjustment Template Tool
The Third Tab Will Populate the CDER Amounts
If an amendment is needed please include a Contract Action Request
How to Accurately Complete a CAR
CDER Access How to Request Access E-mail cashdraw.ta@twc.state.tx.us for access Read Only vs. Full access Full access for individuals processing request and completing financial reports. Read Only for Directors and others who may need to know the current budget status.