the drinking game
You must drink when Jacob sniffles Bella stumbles/falls/stutters Jasper emotes Edward Scissorhands Edward gives a crooked smile Edward lies Bella lies Bella bites lip James cocks his head to the side Rosalie acts like a bitch Edward sweats/sparkles Jessica's assets are made obvious Mike calls Bella Arizona A vampire does something human someone said the word "monkey"
Group Socials: a toast to "Chillax" must sing along and toast to, "Mama said you never could make a kitty meowwww."
Put finger on nose- last to touch nose drinks when: Editing error in movie (example: Edward’s “sleeping” position in hospital room is different in different camera angles) Edward says the shouldn't be friends / hang out / talk / he's bad for her, etc. Mike or Jacob say Bella shouldn’t be friends with Edward