Now What? This is my last year of high school. What am I going to do after graduation? Welcome to reality…..
Graduation Requirements 27 credits 4 English, 3 Math (3 different levels) 3 Social Studies (including U.S. Govt.) 3 Science, 1.5 Fine Arts, 1 CTE .5 Health, 1.5 P.E. (Fit for Life required) .5 Computer Tech, .5 Financial Literacy 3 Senior core classes Electives to equal 27 credits total No U’s Athletes must complete 16 core classes to meet NCAA eligibility requirements. Accounting 1 & 2 can count as one math credit. Student who plan to play competitive sports in college must be NCAA eligible. Go to the Northridge High Counseling website and click on NCAA. Follow the instructions to find the eligible NCAA courses for Northridge. You can go to this site for all schools that you have attended 9-12th grades. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that he/she meets all NCAA requirements. You must have 3 credits of math on 3 different levels to meet NCAA requirements. Taking the same math level more then once (for example: Algebra 2 and Algebra 2 Honors) only counts for one math. See your counselor for an NCAA evaluation.
How do I know if I’m on track? Look at your Graduation Summary via your my.DSD account Reports Graduation Summary You must make up failed core classes. Meet with your counselor to make a plan before you pay money for something you may not need. Graduation summary also tells you if you have U’s. Talk with Mrs. Bitton about making them up. Not all classes offered by private institutions are accepted by Davis School District for graduation credits. For example, Computer Technology and CTE courses from the Northridge Learning Center do NOT fulfill the Computer Tech and Career and Technology requirements. Before signing up for any alternative program check with your counselor.
Tip to be successful Attend your classes Be on time! Be prepared Don’t wait to make up credit or U’s.
Post High School Options College or University Community College Applied Technology College Business Schools Specialized Schools Apprenticeships Military On-The-Job-Training Those with training and education typically kept their current jobs or were able to find other employment. In addition they were more likely to have insurance which helped pay for their losses.
Future Job Outlook 80% of the current jobs require training beyond a high school education. The basic requirement for middle-class status and earnings in both good and bad economies is a post high school education. By 2020 there will be 3 million more jobs available than there will be college graduates to fill them.
Median weekly earnings in 2014 Median YEARLY earning in 2014 Earnings by Educational Attainment Note: Data are for persons age 25 and over. Earnings are for full-time wage and salary workers. Source: Current Population Survey, U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Education attained Median weekly earnings in 2014 Median YEARLY earning in 2014 Less than a High school diploma $488 $25,376 $668 $34,736 Some college, no degree $741 $38,532 Associate's degree (2 years) $792 $41,181 Bachelor's degree (4 years) $1,101 $57,252 Master's degree $1,326 $68,952 Doctoral degree (Varies) $1,591 $82,732
Special Events Northridge High Senior College Tour Tuesday, Sept. 12th, 8:00-10:30 a.m. Parents are welcome to attend USU Open House/Scholarship Day Oct 12th 5:00-8:00 p.m. Davis Conference Center ACT Test Saturday October 28 This is the last test you can take to meet scholarship deadlines Register by September 22 FAFSA Completion Night, Dec. 5th @ NHS Everyone is welcome WSU Wildcat Welcome Feb. TBA
Northridge High School 2016-2017 Counseling Team Ms. Johanson A – Cl Mrs. Burton Co – G Mrs. Ashton H – M Mr. Buchanan Mc – Sc Mrs. McKay Se – Z
Good Luck With Your Future! Congratulations to the Northridge High School Class of 2018