HARMONIZATION OF PLANT HEALTH ACTIVITIES IN NORTH AMERICA Stephanie Bloem NAPPO Executive Director 1730 Varsity Drive, Suite 145, Raleigh, NC 27606 North American Invasive Species Forum May 9-11, 2017 Savannah, Georgia
STRATEGY SESSION - North American Invasive Species – What Can We Do Collectively Across North America? Today … all about NAPPO, including Mission and objectives Structure and function How we work to accomplish the mission/objectives Products that might interest you Collaboration with other international plant protection organizations How can you participate/contribute?
Our Mission Provides a forum for public and private sectors in Canada, the United States and Mexico to collaborate in the regional protection of agricultural, forest, other plant resources, and the environment while facilitating safe trade
Our Objectives encourage/facilitate cooperation to prevent the entry, establishment and spread of regulated pests into the NAPPO region; facilitate and promote safe international trade in plants, plant products and other regulated articles between our countries and with trading partners outside the region; maintain involvement in similar hemispheric and global cooperative efforts.
Javier Trujillo-Arriaga Nedelka Marin-Martinez NAPPO Management Team Executive Committee - EC Osama El-Lissy John Greifer Javier Trujillo-Arriaga Marie-Claude Forest Stephanie Bloem Executive Director Alonso Suazo Technical Director Sofia Baez Executive Assistant Nedelka Marin-Martinez Translator-Interpreter Secretariat Industry Advisory Group - IAG Advisory and Management Committee - AMC Andrew Morse Craig Regelbrugge Mario Puente Stephanie Bloem Alonso Suazo Dominique Pelletier Rajesh Ramarathnam Patricia Abad Stephanie Dubon Ana Lilia Montealegre
NAPPO Executive Committee http://www.nappo.org/english/directory/executive-committee
NAPPO Secretariat Dr. Alonso Suazo Sofia Baez Technical Director Executive Assistant Nedelka Marin-Martinez Translator-Interpreter http://www.nappo.org/english/directory/secretariat
NAPPO Advisory and Management Committee Stephanie Bloem Alonso Suazo Dominique Pelletier Rajesh Ramarathnam Patricia Abad Stephanie Dubon Ana Lilia Montealegre Formulates strategic recommendations for EC endorsement; Participates in project prioritization and project processes; Reviews documents prior to presentation to EC for approval; Oversees work on regional standards and other documents; Supports the EC, ED and TD in advancing the work program; Acts as POC for NAPPO issues in their country; Assists in the organization of the annual meeting and symposium agenda, particularly when hosted by their country.
How do we accomplish the Mission ? Promote harmonized approaches to plant health Communicate with stakeholders Promote transparency Foster trust Translate-Interpret Cooperate with key stakeholders
How do we accomplish the Mission ? NAPPO Products Regional plant health standards – Regional Standards for Phytosanitary Measures or RSPMs Phytosanitary Alerts for the 3 member countries Science and Technology Documents Discussion Documents Position Documents Protocols Training Workshops Symposia
NAPPO Products – www.NAPPO.org RSPMs Guidelines for the Petition for Import and Release of Non-Apis Pollinating Insects into NAPPO Countries (RSPM 29) Integrated measures for the trade of Christmas trees (RSPM 37) Phytosanitary Alert System – www.pestalert.org Official Pest Report - Anoplophora glabripennis (ALB) - Portions of Long Island, New York, added to the Regulated Area in the United States Emerging Pest Alert - Ash dieback (Chalara fraxinea): Continued spread in Europe S&T Documents Application of biological control to Emerald Ash Borer in North America (2013) Discussion Documents The role of NAPPO in addressing Invasive Alien Species (2011) – DD 03 Pre-Invasiveness Screening (2008) – DD 01 Position Document The role of NAPPO in addressing IAS (2011) – P 04 Training Workshops AGM regional workshop (2015) Implementation of ISPM 15 (2014 & 2016)
How effective are we? 1999-2000 - NAPPO developed/adopted a regional standard (Import Requirements for Wood Dunnage and Other Wood Packing Materials into a NAPPO Member Country) that was the precursor of ISPM 15 – Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade Through harmonization ISPM 15 has reduced the number of introductions of wood infesting pests throughout the world – see below data from inspections
The state of NAPPO 14 expert groups 18 projects – 10 are completed 8 have deliverables in 2017 and beyond Call for new projects – June 1, 2017
USDA-APHIS-PPQ, USDA-ARS Nedelka Marin-Martinez NAPPO Expert Groups Government Subject Matter Experts USDA-APHIS-PPQ, USDA-ARS SENASICA, CONABIO CFIA, NRCAN, AAFC Stephanie Bloem Executive Director Alonso Suazo Technical Director Sofia Baez Executive Assistant Nedelka Marin-Martinez Translator-Interpreter Secretariat Expert Stakeholders Advisory and Management Committee - AMC Stephanie Bloem Alonso Suazo Dominique Pelletier Rajesh Ramarathnam Patricia Abad Stephanie Dubon Ana Lilia Montealegre
NAPPO Expert Groups – subject matter experts government Rob, Stephan, Christine, Karine, Janine, Wendy, Rob, Diana, Thierry, Peter, Bruno, Steve, Nancy, Katherine, Kristina, Julia, Dave, Sigrun, Abdul, Alain, Gordon, Fuyou, Jean-Francois Lottie, Scott, Dean, Angela, Brendon, Christian, Dave, Bob, Bob, Ken, Ashley, Tyrone, Paul, Lynn, Christina, George, Stephen, Richard, Yilmaz, Gericke, Lisa, Ignacio, Amanda, Ric, Terry Héctor, Noé, Aideé, Gustavo, Sara, Clemente, Hugo, Delfino, Andrés, Nallely, Daniel, Ana Lilia, Claudio, Nancy
NAPPO Expert Groups – industry, others Dave, Mathuresh, Gord, Chuck, Barry, Brian Pat, Ric, Craig, Mike, John, Jim, Gary, Arvid, Jim, Brad, Russell, Rene, Faith Mario, Alejandra, Hugo, Manuel, Ricardo, Gregorio
black – ongoing; green completed; blue – in country consultation 2016 Projects black – ongoing; green completed; blue – in country consultation Project Validate risk periods for regulated Asian Gypsy Moth in countries of origin Develop e-learning on how to petition for 1st release of entomophagous BC agents Provide assistance/technical support to IPPC e-Phyto Steering Group Americas-focused ISPM 15 implementation workshop Regional standard on systems approaches to manage risks associated with the movement of wood Update RSPM 13, Guidelines to establish, maintain and verify Karnal bunt pest free areas in North America Discussion document in to support IPPC Expert Working Group tasked with development of ISPM on International Movement of Grain
black – ongoing; green completed; blue – in country consultation 2016 Projects black – ongoing; green completed; blue – in country consultation Project Discussion document on preventing introduction, establishment and spread of Khapra beetle in North America Develop S&T document on risks associated with Lymantriids of potential concern to the NAPPO region Manage NAPPO pest reporting system (Phytosanitary Alert System – PAS) Discussion document on diversion from intended use Develop harmonized criteria for evaluating phytosanitary seed treatments Organize international symposium on inspection sampling to support harmonized implementation of ISPMs 23 and 31 in the NAPPO region and internationally
black – ongoing; green completed; blue – in country consultation 2016 Projects black – ongoing; green completed; blue – in country consultation Project Provide guidance on assessing the likelihood of establishment component of PRAs Revise and update RSPM 3 pest list, Movement of potatoes into a NAPPO member country, while undertaking 5-year review of this RSPM Revise RSPM 3 Annex 6, Pre-shipment testing for PVYN Review RSPM 3 to align it with ISPM 33, Pest free potato (Solanum sp.) micro-propagative material and mini-tubers for international trade Foundational Documents for NAPPO
Promoting harmonized phytosanitary measures Encouraging inter-regional consultation Technical consultation RPPOs + IPPC Secretariat Facilitating trade EPPO NAPPO NEPPO OIRSA APPPC Caribbean IICA CA IAPSC PPPO COSAVE Collaborating in developing and implementing international plant health standards Gathering and disseminating information on plant health Hosting International Workshops
how can YOU participate in NAPPO? comment 4 documents are currently out for country consultation - http://nappo.org/news/country-consultation-will-open-april-1-2017/ submit a new project Call for new NAPPO project proposals – June 1 – July 31, 2017 attend NAPPO symposia and other workshops Annual Meeting
NAPPO New Project prioritization Selection Criteria alignment with NAPPO/ NPPO’s strategic priorities harmonization value for North America focus on pests of concern to member countries availability of technical/scientific expertise from member country NPPOs “completeness” including human/financial resources Secretariat resources
You are all invited! Visit www.nappo.org for more information NAPPO 41st Annual Meeting October 16-19, 2017 Merida, Yucatan
Thanks for your attention Gracias por su atención Merci pour votre attention Stephanie.Bloem@NAPPO.org