SYLLABUS Welcome to English! Homework/Tests Makeup Work Extra Credit Notebook/Supplies Remind App Contact
CURRICULUM/HOMEWORK Check Active Student/Parent daily to stay posted on all assignments You will have homework once or twice a week. Homework is an easy grade! All of your tests will have an essay.
MAKEUP WORK If you miss a day, please check the MAKEUP WORK FOLDER assigned to your block for your work. I will usually NOT tell you to do this. You are in high school- it is your RESPONIBILITY.
EXTRA CREDIT Check the bulletin board for extra credit assignments. Some extra credit assignments will be given throughout the nine weeks. **CURRENT EXTRA CREDIT** Bring extra supply assigned to your class!
NOTEBOOK You are expected to keep a neat and orderly notebook. Do you throw away or crumple up any papers. One 1 ½ inch binder JUST FOR ENGLISH Dividers Pencils, pens, highlighters Notebook paper Bring extra class block supplies for extra credit
SUPPLIES 1A: Kleenex 2A: Hand Sanitizer 3A: White Copy Paper 5B: Box of Wooden Pencils 6B: Kleenex 8B: Hand Sanitizer
Remind App English II English IV Compensatory English II Enter this number: 81010 Text this message: @de1e8 English IV Text this message: @fcda8 Compensatory English II Text this message: @994bd4
CONTACT Please feel free to email me at any time. I will get back to you within 24 hours or call the school, and I will try to return the call before the day is over. 601-932-7931