Welcome to 4/5 Challenge! Mrs. Garber’s 2014-2015 Class
My goals are to: Provide essential skills Encourage creative thinking, problem solving, and higher thinking skills Develop independent learners, readers, and communicators Provide a safe and HAPPY learning environment Develop a lifelong love of reading Foster leadership skills Encourage students to challenge themselves Build a community Make learning fun!
Literacy Being implemented this year in G/T The Lucy Caulkins’ writing process- 1st semester Narrative Writing Editing and proofreading skills Research skills Oral presentations Personal Writing and Creative Writing Building paragraphs, essays, and reports Letters, narratives, journals, explanations, and observations Personal responses to literature and non-fiction Persuasive, descriptions, short stories, and writing to a prompt
Word Study Caesar’s English- daily assignments with a weekly quiz over vocabulary and sentence structure Spelling in Writing
Reading Literature selections with book clubs (books read in 2-3 weeks) Discussions, projects, and activities Junior Great Book selections and discussions Book Talks Independent Reading Literature selections will include different genres, such as Classics and Biographies, and will include historical fiction relating to Lewis and Clark, Indiana History, and the Civil War. Novel adoptions for this year Indian Chiefs, Tuck Everlasting, Lincoln Photobiography, and Westing Game
Social Studies and Science United States History: Lewis and Clark Geography of regions of United States Westward Expansion Simulations! Government And Indiana History! Science Units: Magnetism and Electricity Earth’s Changing Surface Food Chains and Webs Human Design Project
Organization and Correspondence Assignment Notebooks: Homework assignments should be written daily in notebook Do not need to sign notebooks unless asked by teacher Take Home Folder Homework for each night will be in “Return to school” side Notes will be placed in the “Keep at Home” side Friday The week’s papers will come home Friday Letter and Weekly Report to be signed and returned to school Weekly Newsletters Electronic copy sent to your email Posted on my webpage Technology Website: https://myccs.ccs.k12.in.us/teachers/agarber Google Docs/ Classroom by Google: https://classroom.google.com Twitter: @CTE4_5Ch BYOD
Field Trips As a class we will participate in the 4th grade Indiana History field trips this year in the spring. This will likely include Conner Prairie, State House and the Indiana Historical Society. We will also visit the Planetarium at Carmel High School 5th graders will also attend Camp Jameson (**September 26th**) and Biztown (either October 28th or 29th More information will come home about chaperones closer to these trips
Procedures and Extra! Classroom Economy Transportation Changes Positive behavior and homework incentive/ fine Quarterly rewards Transportation Changes Must be done on-line through myCCS Lunch room Doubles offered to 4th and 5th graders 5th graders- Broadcast Team Call out Wednesday, August 27 12:40 Contact me anytime Amber Garber agarber@ccs.k12.in.us (317)846-3086 ext 1233