Germ Theory Joe Maag and Jason Falk
Overview Robert Koch Alexander Fleming Joseph Lister Louis Pasteur
Robert Koch founder of modern bacteriology collected anthrax bacteria from farm animals that the anthrax bacteria had caused the disease ‘Koch’s postulates’ Using this method, he was able to discover the bacterium that causes tuberculosis – a major killer of the 19th century.
Alexander Fleming looking for ways to destroy bacteria Squeezed the juice out of mold Created penicillin Gave up because he couldn't get enough
Joseph Lister carbolic acid had been used to get rid of a cattle parasite in fields Sprayed open wounds during surgery with the carbolic acid Death rate went from 45.7% to 15%
Louis Pasteur local wine industry wanted him to research the science of fermentation discovered that the process was caused by a living organism developed ways of making bacteria and viruses less dangerous so that they could be used for vaccination
Who worked with wine? A) Louis Pasteur B) Alexander Fleming C) Joseph Lister D) Robert Koch
Who invented penicillin? A) Louis Pasteur B) Alexander Fleming C) Joseph Lister D) Robert Koch