Musical Information 1B Music 253/CS 275A Stanford University Uses of Humdrum Music 253/CS 275A Stanford University
Traditional categories of music analysis Musical Information 1B Traditional categories of music analysis Traditional means of analysis Harmony Counterpoint Melody Rhythm Feature sets CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field Analytical styles , computational graphing, ethnomusicology Riemann analysis Blair Johnson, MTO (2012) Schenkarian analysis Root analysis CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
Music analysis without music Tartini (sw) CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
Perspectives on music analysis: 1-2 Traditional (theoretical, historical) means of analysis Harmony Counterpoint Melody Rhythm Statistical (systematic) approaches Feature sets: results related to score Feature sets: results reported in tables, charts, graphs CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
More approaches to analysis Imported procedures Often procedural or structural Borrowed from Linguistics Mathematics Computer science Engineering Cognitive studies Performance-based analysis Data visualization CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
Other legitimate projects Data translation, enrichment Linking symbolic data with MIDI or audio Style evaluation (and generation as proof of concept) CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field Sample Projects, Random Order CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
Algorithmic generation: 12-bar blues Francesco Giomi, c. 1988 CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
Hierarchical systems: Lerdahl-Jackendoff Generative theories of musical grammar (1984) CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
Phrase families (centonization) Panos Mavromatis (2006) N.B. Lerdahl-Jackendoff touch CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
Linear systems (species counterpoint) Several systems CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
Imitative systems (18th-century counterpoint) Timothy Smith, NAU CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
Generative chorale variations Dominik Hörnel (2005): Pachelbel Keyboard elaboration generated from chorale melody CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
Rhythm, Meter, Tempo (performance) Simon Dixon, Gerhard Widmer, Walter Göbl (2004) CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
Geospatial mapping of musical features Bret Aarden (1998) Minor mode Triple meter CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field Tabla drumming Parag Chordia: bol processor (2006) CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
Themefinder (melodic search) Huron, Kornstädt, Sapp, et al. (1996) CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
Haydn-Mozart Quartet Quiz (machine learning/information theory) Yi-Wen Liu, C. Sapp (2002-04) -entropy study (EE) [] CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field Neuromusicology Carol Krumhansl: Tonal, harmonic understanding Their physiological correlated Petr Janata: specific-key perception Neural correlates Petri Toiviainen Spatial-temporal music cognition CS 275A/Music 253 2015 Eleanor Selfridge-Field