Soccer/Airsoft By Ethan Preu
History 1500 1815 1872 600-1600 A.D. Mexico & Central America created first rubber ball Giovanni Bardi published a set of rules for the game calcio Eton College of England established a set of rules The first official international football match 700s 1620 1863 1900 First unofficial soccer games Native American Indians played pasuckuakohowog Football Association formed Soccer is played at the 1900 summer Olympics
Cool Facts Soccer players run an average of 6 miles per game (professional) The most popular sport in the world Over 1 billion people watch World Cup Soccer on T.V. The very first basketball game was played with a soccer ball Only the United States and Canada call soccer “soccer” India withdrew form the World Cup in 1950 because they weren’t allowed to play barefoot. Fastest growing and second most popular youth sport in the U.S.
My History
Citations Topendsports. (n.d.). A Football History: from its origin to now. Retrieved from TheLFB. (2013, April 29). You May Hate It, But Soccer Is Taking Over | theLFB. Retrieved from The Soccer Coach. (2009). The Soccer Coach - Soccer Facts. Retrieved from