Unit 5 War and Development A Cimarron County father and his two sons take shelter from a dust storm.
The J.B.A. Robertson Administration Chapter 18 The Roaring Twenties Alice Mary Robertson The J.B.A. Robertson Administration Indian Citizenship Boundary Dispute Labor Problems The Tulsa Race Riot
Governor Henry Johnston Chapter 18 The Roaring Twenties The Ku Klux Klan Governor John Walton Governor Martin Trapp Governor Henry Johnston Oklahoma Jazz Crime and Criminals
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Give the accomplishments of the Robertson administration, including social and labor reforms. Describe the period of social, economic, and racial unrest in Oklahoma during the twenties. Describe what you think it would be like to live in Oklahoma today if the Ku Klux Klan had remained powerful. Describe the loss of lives and property during the Tulsa Race Riot. List five outlaws who lived in Oklahoma.
Mary Alice Robertson
Governor James Brooks Ayers Robertson
Burning of the Greenwood area during the Tulsa race riot in 1921.
Nothing but rubble was left in the aftermath of the Tulsa race riot.
Governor John C. Walton
Governor M. E. Trapp
Governor Henry S. Johnston
Mrs. O. O. (Mamie) Hammons
Governor W. J. Holloway
of the ruined landscape of the 1930s Dust Bowl areas Crucified Land by American painter Alexander Hogue who immortalized images of the ruined landscape of the 1930s Dust Bowl areas where prairie sod had been broken by the plow.