Measurement of track length and time-of-flight hypothesis Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Measurement of track length and time-of-flight hypothesis in central ALICE detectors Sylwester Radomski GSI, Darmstadt Y. Foka, Y. Belikov, K. Safarik
Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Introduction Measurement of the time-of-flight is a method of particle type identification. It is used in the momentum range where energy loss do not give sufficient information. Time-of-flight is measured by TOF detector Hypothetical time calculated during tracking length and momentum calculated for the geometry mass – from particle type hypothesis (each track have 5 h-tof) Then times are compared and likehood are assigned to hypothesis This work concentrate on measurement of hypothetical time by tracking in ITS, TPC and TRD
Implementation Central part implemented in AliKalmanTrack Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Implementation Central part implemented in AliKalmanTrack start time, measure length and time for 5 hypothesis AddStep called by tracker TPC & TRD : connect filtered point with predicted point ITS : connect measured points linear approximation TPC -> ITS -> Vertex (start time) -> ITS -> TPC -> TRD Analysis on the Reference Planes (set of macros written) only tracks with prolongation in all detectors are used
Simulations Performance was investigated by simulations Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Simulations Performance was investigated by simulations 4 events with GeVSim pt ~ (1, 2, 3) GeV, eta <-0.9, 0.9> pt = (0.4 - 3) GeV, eta <-0.9, 0.9> (protons only) 4 000 particles: e-, e+, pi+, pi-, K+, K- , p, p- TPC full simulation and reconstruction (Y.B) TRD full simulation and reconstruction ITS fast simulation
Tracking Efficiency Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Tracking Efficiency TPC in (4544) Fake = 39 e + 484 e - 465 (949) mu+ 491 mu- 485 (976) pi+ 469 pi- 473 (942) K + 362 K - 348 (710) (dacays) p + 497 p - 432 (929) ITS in (3663) Fake = 84 e + 382 e - 374 (756) [0.80] mu+ 389 mu 391 (780) [0.79] pi+ 379 pi- 371 (750) [0.79] K + 294 K - 293 (587) [0.82] p + 371 p - 336 (707) [0.76] TRD in (2910) Fake = 81 e + 307 e - 291 (598) [0.79] mu+ 346 mu- 344 (690) [0.88] pi+ 301 pi- 296 (597) [0.79] K + 216 K - 208 (424) [0.72] (decays) p + 293 p - 227 (520) [0.73]
Length Resolution RMS = 1.7 mm, 1 mm, 0.7 mm 1 mm – 3 ps Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Length Resolution RMS = 1.7 mm, 1 mm, 0.7 mm 1 mm – 3 ps
Time Resolution Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Time Resolution
Time Resolution Resolutions: 1 GeV 2 GeV 3 GeV Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Time Resolution Resolutions: 1 GeV 2 GeV 3 GeV electrons 4.8 ps 2.1 ps 1.7 ps pions 5.6 ps 2.1 ps 1.5 ps kaons 28.8 ps 8.9 ps 4.1 ps proton 87.7 ps 28.7 ps 14.8 ps
Theoretical estimation Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Theoretical estimation Preliminary estimation for protons resolution limited by momentum resolution Estimation of error using error-propagation-method This yield to estimate dependence
Resolution protons Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Resolution protons
Is it enough ? Kaon-Proton Pion-Kaon Proton Kaon Pions Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Is it enough ? Kaon-Proton Pion-Kaon Proton Kaon Pions
Summary Track length and time hypothesis measurement implemented Sylwester Radomski, GSI ALICE Off-line week CERN, March 7, 2003 Summary Track length and time hypothesis measurement implemented Full chain (TPC, ITS, TPC, TRD) in operation Track length measurement precise enough – no correction for helix Time resolution understood, limited by momentum resolution Resolution sufficiently good ALICE NOTE written – close to release