Islamic Thought and Mysticism “Postponers” & Muʿtazili Forgiveness of Sins Nature of the Qur’an Anthropomorphism Free Will
Ash’arism: al-Ash’ari (873-935) Sides w/ Postponers No Free Will Qur’an = “divine” Word; uncreated & eternal Anthropomorphism: middle ground
Islamic Philosophy al-Kindi (d. 870) ca. 1100: decline in philosophy Ibn Rushd (1126-98) [Averroes] Aristotle
Al-Ghazali (1058-1111) Champions mysticism: Sufism The Incoherence of the Philosophers Ibn Rushd: The Incoherence of Incoherence
Sufism: Islamic Mysticism Rab’iah (713-801) Bayazid (777-848) Sheikh “Theosophical” or “Esoteric” Sufism Ibn Arabi (1165-1240) Rumi (1207-73)
Sufi Practices Dhikr: Breathing Technique; Word Repitition Sama’: Hypnotic Music Dance Whirling Dervishes