Aquaculture Objectives Explain How definitions are derived Compare/contrast aquaculture and livestock production Compare aquaculture with fisheries List examples of aquatic crops List and describe the functions of aquaculture
Aquaculture VS Livestock cont. What are the characteristics of: Occurs in Water Limited by O2 Limited by water Many animals and crops Uses wild organisms Livestock Occurs on land Limited by water Many Plants and crops Domesticated organisms
Aquaculture VS Livestock 2 to 1 feed conversion Move freely in environment Livestock 3-6 to 1 feed conversion More energy used to counter gravity.
Aquaculture VS Fisheries Controlled Culture Individuals own crop Fisheries Hunters/gatherers Open access of people to crop
Definition of Aquaculture Science, art and business of cultivating aquatic plants and animals. Science implies objectivity Art implies subjectivity Business implies making money Cultivating implies caring for the crop Aquatic describes where organisms grow
Functions of Aquaculture Hatchery- reproduce young Growout- grow young to market size Marketing- deliver aquacrops to consumer
Role of Hatcheries Produce seed (reproduce) Maintain parental stock (brood fish) Consider feed and growth needs to produce quality seed
Growout Facilities Produce aquacrop from young Used for human food, animal feed, pets and recreation May Use: Ponds Tanks Raceways Cages Vats Pens
Growout Facilities Intensive System Extensive systems High Population density of aquacrop Require careful management Examples include tanks raceways and ponds Extensive systems Lower population density Different approach to management used Examples include ponds with low stocking rates and natural streams and lakes.
Factors in a growout facility Species selection Water quality Water oxygenation Disease prevention Feeding Regulation Use of theraputents Discharge of effluents/ environmental concern
Net Pens
Cage Feeding Tilapia
Raceways Idaho
Indoor Recirculation System
Harvesting Involves capturing crop Types of harvesting: Topping(partial) Total
Marketing Functions Assembling Grading Hauling Processing Packaging Storing Wholesaling Retailing Advertising Change of ownership
Available Markets Personal use Recreation Food Sell Processors Live haulers Fee fishing Direct to restaurant Aquarist trade
Type of Processing Processing: Change the form of. Minimal- Little change in product form examples Medium- considerable change in the form Value Added- Easy to prepare forms Attractive packaging