Starter for 5! What did God say about his creation?


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Presentation transcript:

Starter for 5! What did God say about his creation? Fill in the missing words: ‘In the … was the … and the … was with … and the … was … Which parts of the Trinity were involved in creation? Give two causes of crime. What does the term pacifist mean?

Starter for 5! What did God say about his creation? ‘God saw what he had made and saw that it was good’, which means it is perfect. Fill in the missing words: ‘In the … was the … and the … was with … and the … was … ‘In the beginning was the Word and Word was with God and the Word was God’ Which parts of the Trinity were involved in creation? All three. Give two causes of crime. E.g. Upbringing, mental illness, lack of education, boredom, unjust laws, poverty What does the term pacifist mean? Someone who settles disputes peacefully, without violence, e.g. Martin Luther King.

Original Sin and The Fall Learning Objective: To understand Christian beliefs about the origin and nature of sin. I can define the term sin and original sin. I can link the concept of original sin to the Fall. I can evaluate why God allows temptation to exist.

How many sins can you spot in this clip? Bad to the Bone How many sins can you spot in this clip?

Any action or thought that separates humans from God. What is sin? Sinful thoughts can lead to sinful actions, e.g. anger can lead to assault or murder, jealously can lead to theft. Some sins are also illegal, e.g. rape and murder Some sins are legal but still considered wrong, e.g. adultery. Keyword: Sin Any action or thought that separates humans from God. Behaviour which is against God’s laws or against principles of morality (right and wrong). Students need to write definitions in books.

Some Christians believe in the idea of original sin. This suggests humans are born with an in built tendency to do wrong as demonstrated through the story of Adam and Eve and The Fall. Keyword: Original Sin Everyone is born with a built in urge to do bad things and disobey God.

Original Sin and The Fall Learning Objective: To understand Christian beliefs about the origin and nature of sin. I can define the term sin and original sin. I can link the concept of original sin to the Fall. I can evaluate why God allows temptation to exist.

The Fall The idea of original sin starts with the story of the Fall (also in the book of Genesis). As a group you are going to read through the story of Adam and Eve. You then need to divide up the parts and create a mini role play of the story ready to perform. This doesn’t need to be very long. Max 15 mins

Original Sin and The Fall Learning Objective: To understand Christian beliefs about the origin and nature of sin. I can define the term sin and original sin. I can link the concept of original sin to the Fall. I can evaluate why God allows temptation to exist.

The Fall and Free Will The story of the Fall links to the concept of free will (the ability to chose our actions). The story shows us we will be tempted to do wrong (symbol of the serpent) and there will be times where we give into temptation – this is part of being able to choose our actions. God wants us to use our free will to make good choices (e.g. follow the 10 Commandments) rather than commit sinful actions as these separate us from God. If God wants humans to obey Christian laws and teachings, why do you think God allows temptation to exist?

Sin, Original Sin and The Fall Some Christians believe in _________ _________. This is the idea that we have born with a pre built urge to do __________ and disobey God. This is shown through the story called _____ ________. Adam and Eve were _________ by the _________ to disobey God and eat from the Tree of _______________________. They misused the _______ ________ that God had given them. The consequences was they were _________ from the Garden of Eden and __________ from God. God wants us to use our free will to make _______ ________ and follow teachings such as the ___ ____________, but knows we will sometimes give into temptation. The Fall Original sin Separated Free Will Wrong Serpent Banished Good choices Knowledge of Good and Evil 10 Commandments Tempted

Original Sin and The Fall Learning Objective: To understand Christian beliefs about the origin and nature of sin. I can define the term sin and original sin. I can link the concept of original sin to the Fall. I can evaluate why God allows temptation to exist.

What have we learnt? Adam and Eve Original Sin Temptation The Fall One person is going to give one sentence about what they have learnt in today’s lesson. For example: Today I learned that sin means actions that separate humans from God. The person next to them needs to give a sentence saying what they have learnt but their sentence must start with the last letter of the last word in the previous sentence. For example: Doing wrong actions can result from sinful thoughts, as anger can lead to murder. And so on… Adam and Eve Original Sin Temptation The Fall 10 Commandments Free Will – Bart Bad to the bone – original sin recap