By Claire Barnes, Willow Dene School 5 Little Ducks A multi-media presentation to accompany the popular counting song to promote one-to-one correspondence, numeral recognition and counting skills. By Claire Barnes, Willow Dene School
5 Little Ducks Ask how many ducks can be seen. Discuss it’s size. Click to make the five little ducks appear Ask “How many little ducks can you see?”. This could be extended by asking “How many ducks altogether?” and counting the big duck as well, when children are familiar with the song. Suggest checking the number of little ducks by counting them. Click to make the ducks quack and count them as they quack in turn. Ask the children “How many?” and ask them to draw the numeral in the air, on a whiteboard or find the matching numeral on a number line or magnetic number . Click to make the numeral appear. Ask the children if they were right. Start singing the song: Five little ducks went swimming one day (click to make ducks disappear) Over the hills and faraway Mummy duck said “Quack, quack, quack, quack” (click to make quacks appear) But only … Ask students to predict how many ducks come back. Click to make them appear and let children count them internally or out loud. Then repeat as above, clicking to make the quacks occur, then clicking to make the numeral appear before continuing the song.
5 3 4 1 2 quack quack quack quack quack quack quack