Science and ESL Teacher Ms. Stripling Science and ESL Teacher
I live in Spartanburg South Carolina See map
My family
My Mother Meg Ezell
My Mother loves her cat
My Daughters
My Oldest Daughter Amanda Torres She is 27 years old.
Amanda is as a nurse.
Amanda with my son-in-law Michael. He is from Peru.
Amanda and Michael live in Florida.
My middle daughter Alexis. She is 21 years old
She is a graduate of Clemson University
Alexis meets Obama
Alexis is a geologist
Alexis lives in Louisiana with Zach Alexis lives in Louisiana with Zach. He is in law school at Louisiana State University.
My youngest daughter Autumn She is 10
Autumn is in the 5th grade. She loves her cat like her grandmother.
She loves the snow
She loves to play Minecraft
My Husband Ramon Flores
Ramon is from Honduras
My sister Myra with her husband rick and their grandson.
My sister Myra is an Electrical engineer and she loves cats too.
They live in North Carolina.
My sister Kathy is a novelist.
Kathy lives in California.
Ms. Stripling likes to travel. Honduras Guatemala Nicaragua Mexico Spain Costa Rica Panama Italy El Salvador
I teach at Chesnee High School
I teach Marine Science
I teach Earth Science
I teach forensic science
I like to Play World of Warcraft.
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