Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Kinderland Nursery Literacy and Mathematics Planning in Preschool Summer Term Week 3 25.4.16 – 29.4.16 Theme: growing Books – Jack and the Beanstalk Number –10 Word – gigantic, Measures – taller shorter, grapheme – g, phoneme – f Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Story Tent Children telling stories, rhymes and jokes in the story telling cosy area Listen to CD of well known stories Adults to support children with speaking and listening skills modelling sentences construction, story language and vocabulary Traditional stories Children listening to and recounting, discussing the main characters, events and setting Growing beans in a jar Story - Jack and the Beanstalk, Titch Leaps & Bounds- Fitness Fun Measures – height Children comparing height and measuring how tall they are. Story – Jim and the Beanstalk, Titch you’ll soon grow into them Handwriting Children writing the grapheme g Children finding words that begin with f & g f g Number Children counting 1-10 Saying how many in a set using teddies or small toys. Matching numeral to the quantity. Learning Intention Children to develop their listening and speaking skills Children developing their recall skills Children measuring their height using a tape measure Children writing focus on the grapheme Learning intention Children will identify how many in a set Possible Home Learning Activities Read and enjoy stories together Make comparisons find long and short things around the home Please help your child to write their full name At the beginning of each session complete the registration, welcome children and sing days of the week song Help children to recite and recognise numbers Support the routine explain what is going to happen this session give choices on the activities they can participate in Staff to develop and extend children’s vocabulary at all times ask open questions & encourage thinking skills.