IONAS Final Project Meeting Venice, February 2nd/3rd 2007 Promotion and communication strategies and the exchange of experiences in IONAS Marta Moretti.


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Presentation transcript:

IONAS Final Project Meeting Venice, February 2nd/3rd 2007 Promotion and communication strategies and the exchange of experiences in IONAS Marta Moretti International Centre Cities in Water, Venice

IONAS - Promotion and Publication Summary Dissemination plan: - activities foreseen by the plan - deliverables and materials realised • Promotion Activity realised Suggested Activities to be done

IONAS Promotion and Publication Foreseen Activities • To promote the projects aims; • To identify a range of dissemination activities to promote IONAS project to a wider audience; • To co-ordinate and manage all promotional activities in similar thematic events; • To identify appropriate dissemination tools to ensure effective promotion of the programme activities and achievements.

IONAS Promotion and Publication Deliverables Realised • Implementation of IONAS web site • 5 Issues of IONAS newsletter 2 IONAS brochures 2 IONAS rolling banners IONAS publications IONAS gadgets

IONAS Promotion and Publication • A dedicated Web Site has been produced for public information diffusion, and as a method for distribution of material within the IONAS partners and the INTERRREG Community. • Main documents on line: - all project materials and deliverables; - the Port Data Base; - the New Project Ideas; - the on line Training Course on Europroject Management; - the Declaration of Thessaloniki. • The Web Site has been regularly updated with IONAS outputs. IONAS Web Site

IONAS Promotion and Publication 5 Issues of the IONAS newsletter • A high quality colour Newsletter in English at 6-montly intervals for internal and external distribution; • 1,500 copies for each issue has been produced for a total of 7,500; • Widely distributed to all the Partners and to external events; • All the issues are available in PDF format on web site.

IONAS Promotion and Publication 2 IONAS brochures • 2 edition of the project brochures realised for promoting IONAS at Workshops and International Conferences. • A5 two colour format with 6 sides printed in 3,000 copies.

IONAS Promotion and Publication Rolling Banners • IONAS and INTERACT rolling banners have been one of the main dissemination tool presented at related international events.

IONAS Promotion and Publication IONAS Publications • International Conference Proceedings “European Territorial Cooperation 2007 - 2013: new scenarios and opportunities” • EMS Handbook “Steps towards the Environmental Management Systems. Experiences of cities and ports in the Adriatic and Ionian area”

IONAS Promotion and Publication IONAS Gadgets - IONAS folders and block notes - IONAS pens - IONAS cotton bags - IONAS mouse pads IONAS post-it - IONAS umbrellas - IONAS strings

IONAS Promotion and Publication Press An archive of press communications by the LP and by IONAS Partners has been maintained and updated in the IONAS Web Site, as well as articles published on the project in local and specialised press.

IONAS Promotion and Publication Promotion Activity Realised • Promotion of IONAS achievements at over 30 events (seminars, expos,workshops, congresses, etc.) in various European Countries: through direct participation and presentation, or through the distribution or mailing of dissemination materials;

IONAS Promotion and Publication Suggested activities and materials to be realised within the end of March Realisation of an extra issue of the IONAS newsletter - digital version only - to be put in the project website. IONAS Compendium: a DVD including all the project material produced during the life of the project and eventually the final conference.

IONAS Promotion and Publication IONAS Meetings Ancona, July 2/3, 2004 Kick Off Meeting Brindisi, January 21/22, 2005 Second Meeting Thessaloniki, September 23/24, 2005 Third Meeting Koper, March 31 - April 1, 2006 Fourth Meeting Venice, February 2/3, 2007 Final Project Meeting

IONAS Promotion and Publication Local EMS Technical Workshop • Ancona June 24, 2005 • Bar September 15th, 2005 • Thessaloniki September 22nd, 2005

IONAS Promotion and Publication Other Projects Events • Venice 16/06/2006 International Conference European Territorial Cooperation 2007-2013: new scenarios and opportunities Palazzo Franchetti, Istituto di Lettere, Scienze ed Arti • Bari 12 - 12, 2006 Workshop Sharing of Knowledge about Environmental Management Methods in Port Areas - Problems concerning Dredging and Waste Management Cruise Terminal - Port of Bari

IONAS Promotion and Publication Total movement of participants at IONAS events 500 persons approx.