EEE368 Coordinators: 1. Mdm Norhidayatul Hikmee bt Mahzan Room: Sarjana BA1139 2. Ms Nur Syahirah bt Kamarozaman Room: Sarjana BA1219
Course Outline Assessment Supervisor Final report 30% Logbook 40% Panels Project Presentation & Demo Total 100%
FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA TERENGGANU COURSE OUTLINE Programme : Diploma Electrical Engineering Course Code : EEE 368 Course : Final Year Project 2 Credit Unit : 3 Contact Hour : 3 Part : 5 Course Status : Core Prerequisite : Final Year Project 1 (EEE368) COURSE DESCRIPTION The course involves literature survey, planning, design, circuit analysis and fabrication of an electronic project. This course is a continuation of Final Year Project I (EEE358) in part 4. Students are required to carry out the project and continuously presented the progress to their respective supervisor. COURSE OUTCOMES (CO) a. Apply electrical and electronics theoretical knowledge. b. Develop and troubleshoot a suitable electronic engineering project c. Work as a team. Develop presentation skills and write a proper project report THE COURSE ASSESSMENT Supervisor Logbook 40% Final Report 30% Panel Project Presentation & Demo
Final Year 2 Project Blog Final Year 2 Project Blog
Important! Registration group : T- EE1115A Entrance survey – i-learn CDIO survey – online “eee368.wordpress”
CDIO CDIO is an innovative educational framework stressing engineering fundamentals in the context of conceiving- designing-implementing and operating real world systems and product C - Conceiving (FYP1) D – Designing (FYP1) I - Implementing (FYP2) O – Operating (FYP2)
Attendance Meet supervisor – minimum once/ week. Marks for attendance (10%). Attendance < 80% - FAIL Please bring your logbook when meeting your supervisor and record all your activities in your logbook.
Students and Supervisor Project calendar EEE368 No Activities Date Week PIC 1. Student register course for EEE368 and purchase the FYP2 handbook 4 December 2016 1 Students Coordinator 2. Students attend briefing for FYP2 course from FYP2 coordinator 15 December 2016 3 3. Student register course for EEE368 Group : T- EE1115A Before 18 December 2016 4 4. Student submit first draft to supervisors -Format: guidelines on FYP2 handbook) -Contents: Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 1 January 2017 5 5. Student submit Second draft to supervisors -Contents: Chapter 3 8 January 2017 6 6. MID SEM BREAK (1 WEEKS) 27 January– 4 February 2017 7. Students submit Final draft thesis to Supervisor. 12 February 2017 10 Students and Supervisor 8. Student makes correction based on comment from project supervisor Within week 10 to week 11 - 9. Students submit final draft thesis 19 February 2017 11 10. FYP2 Final Presentation 27 February-28 February 2017 12 11. Students make correction based on comments from panels during presentation. Week 12 to week 14 12. Final report submission 12 Mac 2017 14
First Progress Meeting Will be held on 18.12.2016– 22.12.2016 Expected outcome: Components on Breadboard PCB layout (OrCAD or other software) Slide power point (progress work) 1 copy First draft technical paper 1 copy First draft hard cover report (submit to your supervisor)
Second Progress Presentation Will be held on Week 10 (12 February -16 February 2017) Expected outcome: PCB board ( complete : etching and soldering) Sample of prototype Slide power point (progress work) 2/3 copies Second draft technical paper Sample of A1 poster
Components on Breadboard
Sample of schematic
Sample of PCB gerber file
Sample of PCB layout
Sample of PCB board (complete)
Sample of prototype
Sample of PCB board (not complete)
Sample of PCB board ( not complete)
Presentation Project must be completed by Week 12 Students who did not meet supervisor , meet <80% or did not submit final draft report will not be allowed to present. Compulsory in order to pass this FYP. Open presentation Time given only 15 minutes – 10min (present), 5min (Q&A). Slides should be very simple. Do not read you slides
Final Presentation Will be held on Week 12 (27 February-28 February 2017) Expected outcome: complete final project ( including prototype) A1 poster Technical paper (format refer blog
Final Submission 2 copies binding comb report - Supervisor - Coordinator 1 softcopy report – word/pdf files (burn in cd) Format (
Final Exhibition
Sample of poster
Sample of poster presentation
PCB LAB PCB session -weekdays (Sunday to Thursday) - Office hour (8am -5.00 pm) - Wearing lab coat & shoes -Proper attire ( no slippers & t-shirts without collar) -limitation up to 8 students per session - early in morning
Supplier for electronic parts & components Elektronik ON 40, Jalan Tok Lam 20100 Kuala Terengganu Tel: 09 - 6220362 Fax: 09 – 6227362 (SuburTek) Kuala Terengganu Branch: Lot 18, Tingkat 2, Plaza Kuala Terengganu, Jalan Tok Lam, 20100 Kuala Terengganu, PIC: Mr. Ismail Mobile : 012-4740541 Fax : 09-6228300 E-mail :
Internet reference (M) (free shipping:component) (component, sample project) (M)(component) (US)(robotic component) (sample project,componet,etc) (sample project) (M)(component) (US) (sensor, ic,etc)