JRSO Junior Road Safety Officer My name is Ruby and this is my friend Deborah who is also a JRSO. We have a Powerpoint to show you this Powerpoint will show you fun activities you can try out at home.
DRESS BRIGHT DAY Around the world all different schools have being doing dress bright day so people can stay safe on the roads. Have you ever had a go at your old schools?
JRSO BOOKMARKS Create your own bookmark that has all the things that we’ve told you about junior road safety. We have some designs for you
Seatbelts Seatbelts are very safe for you to wear so I think it would be a great choice for you to pick . If you think they are not cool just black ,how about you decorate it and show us a picture of it because of course you can not pull it out of the car. So you can wear it every day without making a fuss.
T-shirts for road safety Me and Deborah have made designs at a junior road safety meeting and we have got some designs to show you for ideas if you like to do it. .First get a plain t-shirt but not your school t-shirts and check with your parents. .Next you will need some sharpies for your t-shirt’s. Next you put your design but remember it’s got to be about road safety
Create your own poster You can make your own poster for road safety All you need is a bit of paper and some pens.