Activities of COSAVE Agr. Eng. M.Sc. Hernán M. Funes Technical assistant Coordination Secretariat of COSAVE 23º Technical Consultation among ORPF, August 2011
Secretary Coordinator Administrative assistance Presidency and Secretariat Coordination President of COSAVE Agr. Eng. Diego Quiroga Secretary Coordinator Agr. Eng. Ezequiel Ferro Technical assistance Agr. Eng. Hernán Funes Administrative assistance Emilia Ibarra August 2011
C O S A V E M e m b e r s August 2011 Dirección de Protección Vegetal Dirección Nacional de Protección Vegetal M e m b e r s Dirección General de Servicios Agrícolas Departamento de Sanidad Vegetal División Protección Agrícola y Forestal Unidad Nacional de Sanidad Vegetal August 2011
Strategic guidelines 2010-2011 To consolidate and expand a regional phytosanitary strategy supporting sustainable development of agricultural and forestry production. Regional Workshop to prevent the introduction of absent pest important for the agricultural and forestry production Cooperation with others relevant Regional Organizations Support the region and its contracting parties in the International Phytosanitary Negotiation. Participation on meetings like CPM, EWG y TP from IPPC. August 2011
Strategic guidelines 2010-2011 Implement coordinated actions intended to protect and improve the regional phytosanitary status of agricultural and forestry production, as well as native flora of the region, emphasizing the equivalence of measures. Harmonization of Phytosanitary Procedures Maintain and update the list of quarantine pests absent in the region Promote, as RPPO and through its NPPO’s, a greater interaction and participation with the private sector. August 2011
Strategic guidelines 2010-2011 Make available regional capacities to deal with crisis Phytosanitary situations, aimed at strengthening regional Phytosanitary capacity Regional Workshops. Strengthen relationships with other RPPO and NPPO. Conduct information exchange activities among NPPO and the IPPC. 7. Make available regional capacities to deal with crisis phytosanitary situations. August 2011
Work Plan 2011 COSAVE 2011 Work Plan includes: 11 Technical Group meetings. 3 Directive Committee meetings. 2 Council of Ministers meetings. 2 Regional workshops Participate in international events: Technical Panels, Workshops, Expert Working Groups, Technical Consultations, Standard Committee, Focus Group and Commission on Phytosanitary Measures meetings. Annual Operational Program for Technical Cooperation with IICA August 2011
Principal Issues for Technical Group of COSAVE TG Pest Risk Analysis Standarization of a procedure for a National PRA Harmonization a Regional Dossier (information necessary for initiating a PRA) Designing a Regional Workshop for application of PRA TG Issues of CPM Analysis of drafts ISPM 2011: Pest risk analysis for plants as quarantine pest Amends to ISPM 5 Glossary of Phytosanitary terms Revision to ISPM 5 Glossary of Phytosanitary terms Supplement Nº 1: Guidelines on the interpretation and application of the concept of official control for regulated pests. Annex 4 Pest Risk Analysis for plants as quarantine pest to ISPM 11:2004 Revision of Annex 1 to ISPM 15 Approved treatments associated with wood packaging material Annex to ISPM 27:2006 Trogoderma granarium Annex to ISPM 28:2007 Vapour heat treatment of Cucummis melo var reticulatus for Bractocera reticulatus Annex to ISPM 28:2007 Heat treatment of wood packaging material using dielectric heat August 2011
Principal Issues for Technical Group of COSAVE TG Plant Quarantine Harmonization phytosanitary requirements for propagation material Actualization of regional Pest List Actualization of Regional Standards of Phytosanitary Protection 3.15 with emphasis on risk categories Pest prioritization to conduct regional PRA, contingency plans, monitoring, etc. TG Forest Health Information actualization of National Phytosanitary status in Pinus and Eucalyptus Analyze and share available technologies for forest pest management Design of specific surveillance activities for Lymantria dispar Regional Control Plan of Thaumastocoris peregrinus August 2011
Principal Issues for Technical Group of COSAVE TG Sampling, Inspection and Certification Harmonize the inspection and certification operational procedures TG Phytosanitary Surveillance Regional Plan for HLB Evaluation of regional application maps of risk areas and advances of emerging pests: HLB, Lobesia, Mycosphaerella fijiensis Harmonize a Regional Dossier (information necessary for initiating a PRA) August 2011
Principal Issues for Technical Group of COSAVE TG Pesticides Labeling of pesticides Actualization of Regional Standards of Phytosanitary Protection 6.7 August 2011
Other Regional development program Other activities Regional Workshops: RW of Phytosanitary inspection RW on Prevention and Control of Lobesia botrana RW on Electronic Certification RW on PRA Other Regional development program Regional Program for control of cotton boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis) August 2011
Web site August 2011
Possible new web site August 2011
Agr. Eng. M.Sc. Hernán M. Funes Thanks Agr. Eng. M.Sc. Hernán M. Funes (+5411) 4121-5350