The age in perspective History and society


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Presentation transcript:

The age in perspective History and society The Victorian Age

When Queen Victoria came to the throne it was a difficult political and economic situation. The middle class was satisfied by the Reform Bill of 1832 but the working class lived still in very poor conditions Workers ‘ meetings and demostration were common. The largest workers movement was the Chartist. In 1838 these last ones drew up the People’s charter asking for the extension of the right to vote to the working class. Queen Victoria In 1867 with the 2° Reform Bill the town workers had the right to vote and only with the 3° reform bill the right to vote was extended to all male workers

Free trade and industrial revolution After 1846 free trade was adopted. Thanks to the prosperity resulting from free trade policies, England did not have the armed revolutions that in 1848 broke out all over Europe. By 1849 regular steamboat services linked Britain with America and the rest of the world In 1851 the Great international Exhibition of London displayed the wonders of industry and science . It made Britain as the world ‘s leading political and economic power to an admiring world. Railways developed quickly and covered much of the country. Scientific research was applied to the invention and construction of machines. The study of electricity led to the invention of the telegraph by the American Morse.

Social reforms The living conditions of the poor were terrible They were amassed in workhouses In the large cities urban slums became synonymous with the industrial revolution During Victorian Age other important social reforms were carried out. 1862.The mines act forbidding the employment of women and children in mines. 1871.The emancipation of religious sects which allowed Catholics to hold government jobs and to enter the universities of Cambridge and oxford 1875. The trade union act which legalized the activity of the unions workers.

The new political parties During Victorian Age were founded two new political parties the Conservatives and the Liberals In 1900 the foundation of Labour Party grew the importance of the working class. Relations with Ireland got worse and worse during Victoria’s reign due to recurrent faminies overall the potato blight of 1845. A movement for irish independence began in 1846 led by Charles S. Parnell.

European and colonial policy Britain set herself at the head of the liberal Forces in Europe A conflict came with the Crimean War due to a dispute between Turkey and Russia over their border. The main representative figure of this period was Florence Nightingale a nurse that with her work had a great influence on the foundation of the Red Cross in Geneva in 1864 During the Victorian age the British Empire greatly expanded. It consolidated overseas market with Australia, New Zealand and Canada. In 1876 Queen Victoria became Empress of India nowadays the territories controlled are India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. In Africa the British occupied many territories and obtained the majority of the shares of Suez Canal. In 1902 Britain won the Boer War Victoria’s Golden and Diamond jubilees celebrating the 50° and 60° anniversaries of the queen’s 'accession were occasions for the display of Britain’s commercial and financial greatness

The growth of USA and the civil war In the 19° century grew enormously in united states the population and the economy. The myth of the frontier was a physical and symbolic entity: it kept moving westwards with the acquisition and colonization of new territories. In 1848 after gold was discovered there was the so called Gold Rush in these territories. South America was mainly agricultural, the North had industries (textile, manifacturing and shipping) In 1861 broke out a civil war between northern and southern states of the union. The conflict arose over the question of slavery. The war lasted four years and it ended with the defeat of the south. Slavery was officially abolished in 1865.

Culture The principles of utilitarian philosophy were material happiness, competition and exploitation. The Victorian Compromise was the attempt to cover the unpleasant aspects of materialistic progress under a veil of respectability and facile optimism. The outward strictness of Victorian morals and behaviour was highly inconsistent with was happening in society

Liberal and socialist concern for the working class The reaction to industrialism was very strong. Britain society was divided into two classes the rich and the poor Different thinkers were all concerned for the damages industrialization had brought to man and the environment. The miserable conditions of working class contributed much to the revolutionary theories of Marx and Engels. The Fabian Society believed in gradual reforms rather than violent revolution. It took its name from Quintus Fabius Maximum. A representative figure of this period was Charles Darwin with his theory of Evolution. Darwin’s theory challenged the Christian belief in the creation of man by God .