Jeannette McKee K-8 Bully Free Initiative Mr. Jones Director K-8 Education Miss Muto Elementary Principal Mr. Raible Asst. Principal Mr. Schillow McKee School Counselor Mr. Iwinski WCSI SAP Liaison Ms. Boyce McKee K-8 Social Worker
2016-2017 Goals Release of a K-8 Anti-Bullying Handbook Incorporate PACER National Bullying Prevention Center Curriculum into classrooms. Greater involvement of WCSI SAP liaison with families and students. McKee K-8 Social Worker running groups/meeting with students K-8.
2016-2017 Goals Special Speakers/Events Peer Social Events Special Small Groups from outside agencies
Initiatives School-Wide Positive Program K-5 Jayhawks “Caught in the Act” Students are rewarded with “Jayhawk” Tickets when they display character traits in line with the monthly focus. Tickets are pulled weekly and students presented with small rewards. Monthly drawing for larger rewards.
Initiatives School-Wide Positive Program K-5 Student behavior parties Students are rewarded with behavior parties each month Those students that have had no discipline referrals in that month are eligible to attend.
Initiatives New Year, New You! 2017 School Wide Theme to Promote Unity January Encouragement Balloons Assembly Speakers Spirit Days Journal February Attitude Speaker Motivational Videos
Initiatives New Year, New You! 2017 School Wide Theme to Promote Unity March Perseverance Dress UP days Motivational Videos
School Social Worker National Bullying Prevention Center Curriculum Class Sessions that engage Mrs. Boyce, Mr. Jones, and Special Area Teacher Entire 5-8 student body each month November: “We Will…………..” Experiential lessons that allow students to share and make positive commitments.
School Social Worker Small Groups Social Skills Classes based on student need. Student social interactions with peers and adults. Appropriate behaviors in various settings. Social Norms Respect and Tolerance
School Social Worker “GIRL POWER” Spring 2017 National recognized movement for elementary aged girls. Female self-esteem Body image Decision making
School Social Worker Social Services Individual Counseling Family and Personal Needs of Parents Examples: Furniture, Clothing, Food Spring 2017 Establishment of a school-based emergency food bank for families.
SAP Liaison Bullying can cause serious emotional, mental and behavioral problems which can hinder children from doing well in school Student Assistance Program (SAP) works to identify and help students overcome barriers in order that they may achieve, remain in school and advance
Bridging the Gap SAP Liaisons can meet with families to bridge the gap between the school and behavioral health services to help students succeed.
In The Community The SAP Liaison works in your school and in your community everyday to be accessible to families. The SAP Liaison is from WCSI the base service unit for all behavioral health resources in Westmoreland county and is an advocate for families and students.
Easily Accessible Families can call and talk to the SAP Liaisons any time they wish. To answer questions Help access resources To have their children referred to the SAP program. Referral process can come from teachers, school personal, parents, self-referrals, and/or peers
School Counseling Services Social Skills Group (K – 4th Grade) Communicating Non-Verbal Communication Being Part of a Group Expressing Your Feelings Caring About Yourself and Others Problem Solving Listening: A Two-Way Street Standing Up for Yourself Managing Conflict Grief Group with Highmark Caring Place (Peer Support Group)
School Counseling Services St. Vincent College - Prevention Projects (3rd – 8th Grade) Enhance students’ skills: Communication Anger Management Problem Solving Coping Skills Conflict Resolution Drug/Alcohol Resistance
Additional Services St. Vincent Project ALERT St. Vincent Project REAL Drug/Alcohol Prevention Program (6th/7th Grade) St. Vincent Project REAL Drug/Alcohol Prevention Program (K – 5th Grade) Remembering Adam (6th – 8th Grade) Voluntary Random Drug Screening to Recognize Those Students Making Healthy/Positive Decisions to Stay Drug-Free!!
Additional Services Westmoreland Community Action - Blackburn Center Interpersonal Violence Prevention Program (K – 4th Grade) Personal Safety & Child Abuse Bullying & Bystander Intervention Internet Safety and Cyber-Bullying Bee-Kind Program Pro-Social Behavior Prevention (K – 4th Grade) Self-Esteem / Acceptance / Differences / Giving / Kindness / Friendship / Peer Pressure / Anger / Hurtful Behavior / Bullying / Conflict Resolution
Questions/Open Discussion