The Instructional Dimension


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Presentation transcript:

The Instructional Dimension Teacher clearly communicates instructional expectations for students Teacher conveys enthusiasm for the subject and for teaching that subject to students Teacher holds students accountable for their work Teacher teaches for student success

Three Axioms Students who feel successful are seldom behavior problems? To feel successful, students must actually be successful? To actually be successful, a student must first do something of value?

Twelve Instructional Strategies Gear your instruction to the correct level of difficulty. Make success definite by making failure impossible. Build pattering and association into each lesson. Monitor student work.

Twelve Instructional Strategies Ensure success by giving students “time”. Make success mean fruitful and productive, not victorious. Ensure success by getting to know your students’ strengths. Teach students to take responsibility for their own learning.

Twelve Instructional Strategies Students will be more successful when they are interested. Provide evaluation that is realistic and feedback that is immediate and detailed. Learn to ask-and practice asking-good questions Work toward smooth flow and lively pacing.