Developing Housing Staff in an Age of Austerity Adrienne Reid Incommunities
What’s changed? Greater focus on core service and VFM Fewer people meeting same demand Managers span increased High expectations of IT and social media The need for data and analysis Review of customer engagement
What’s Not Changed People business- with people, for people Basic Housing Management and Asset Management Working within Legal and Regulatory frameworks Business drivers- maximise occupancy, collect rent due, increase supply Customer demographics
Effect on Knowledge and Skills Front line professionalism- release management time Good people and team-working skills, developing insight Driven by values and purpose Good work design and the use of measures In-house IT and BI, not “off the peg” Less specialism, more generic? Transformational Management, not task
What we are focusing on. Organisational development and leadership Apprenticeships/ certified training Shaping values through experience and challenge, the role of recruitment and induction
Reinforcing Knowledge Reflective Practice Surgeries Action learning groups/ team review Reviews and appraisals Role of manager as mentor