Film – February2, 2012 I will write my summary (plot) of the movie, The Quiet Man. I will begin watching Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Western with comedy, romance, and action 1969 release Stars : Robert Redford and Paul Newman, Katharine Ross
Drama February 2, 2012 We will watch some examples of serious monologues. Students will work on their skits.
Art 1 –Feb 2, 2012 Today I will paint using tempera. If I finish my butterfly, then I will paint on a piece of paper, applying color-mixing techniques. Today we will make a rubric for the butterfly.
Sculpture – February 2, 2012 No Entry. I will continue making my sculpture out of clay. At night make sure and seal your clay up with some wet paper towels and in a plastic bag. Make sure you are bringing your binder everyday and keeping it up to date.