Status DEX Publication Project


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Presentation transcript:

Status DEX Publication Project TC Meeting at Farnborough 25-26 April 2007 Trine Hansen

Includes activities not part of scope Status Project commitments (*) Saab contribution : Participates in Core Team and in activities relevant for Task DEX. Number of hours formally not confirmed # Contributors Hours Comments 1 NDLO 3510 2 UK MOD 2614 Includes activities not part of scope 3 FMV 1327 4 US DoD including US Army 460 5 DNV 500 6 BAESystem 300 7 EPM Technology 8 Mantech 160 9 Rolls-Royce 100 10 Saab (*) 12 Eurostep 13 LSC (**) Sum contributions 9571 (**) LSC contribution : Participates in Core Team activities. Number of hours formally not confirmed. The Steering Group: NDLO: Tor Arne Irgens (Chairman) BAESystem: Howard Mason (Deputy Chair) FMV: Mats Elgh UK MOD: Martin Gibson DOD: James Colson DNV: Nils Sandsmark EPMT: Jorulv Ragnes Eurostep: Torbjørn Holm PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Project Plan This status report refers to the period Jan 07 to 23 April 07 and version 20070423 of the Project Plan The original project plan was formally accepted by the Steering Group 4 Feb 07. Recommendations from the Core Team: Reduce the scope from 4 to 3 DEXs (because of the funding situation and to focus to quality rather than quantity). Revise the scope of the activity ‘DEXLib Infrastructure’ to update the DEX development and documentation environment (DEXLib) to reflect the key concept in the recommended DEX framework. Accepted by the Steering Group. To capture the agreed changes in scope and the delayed deliverables, a revised project plan was established. Not much to report… PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

‘Events’ in the period Jab 07 – 23 April 07 The following ‘events’ have been performed in the period (Telecons are not listed): 9 Feb 07: Steering Group telecom (#1) 13-15 Feb 07: Core Team Workshop in Bristol 6-9 March 07: Core Team Workshop in Stockholm 8 March 07: Steering Group telecon (#2) 12 April 07: Steering Group telecon (#3) 13 April 07: Workshop for establishing reference data review checklist Various telecons and net-meetings Not much to report… PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Summary Limited access to resources Due to limited access to key resources, the deliverables of the review check lists are 2-5 weeks delayed. Of same reason deliveries of the ‘DEXLib Help section’ activities are delayed. Re-arrangement of resources has been performed to cover up for part of this situation. But still there is an issue with respect to access of key resources for this activity. Issue resolving activities on ‘hold’ 24 templates have assigned status ‘issue’, which means issues have to be resolved prior to review activities. The responsible editors have to be involved in the resolving discussions. At present some of these editors are not funded and therefore the activity is set on ‘hold’. This is an issue for the Steering Group. Harmonization of overlapping templates Some of the templates (approximately 6) are overlapping. Responsible editors should be involved in the harmonization discussions. At present some of the editors have no funding for this activity, which implies the activity is set on ‘hold’. This is an issue for the Steering Group. Not much to report… PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Project main activities Management Core Team Activities TOG Support Management Check lists and Processes DEXLib infrastructure DEXlib Help section Develop, review and update templates Develop, review and update capabilities Develop and harmonize DEXs Review and update DEXs Preparations for establishing Implementers Forum Final report PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Activity #1 - Management Establishing a detailed project plan, and lately a revised version of it Establish a Core Team Arrange Core Team kick-off meeting Arrange Core Team workshops and telecons Reports to Steering Group (total 3 Steering Group meetings in the period) Various telecons and net-meetings Day-to-day management of the project PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Activity #2 - Core Team Activities A kick-off meeting has been arranged 13-15 Feb Focus: Agree on DEX framework concepts and the DEX publication process Workshop in Stockholm 6-9 March Focus: Reference data Several telecons/Net meetings have been arranged A review checklist for templates has been established Establishing a review checklist for reference data is on-going PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Activity #3 TOG Support Management This activity has not started yet PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Activity #4 Check lists and Processes Review checklist for Templates established Review checklist for Reference data started Review checklist for Capabilities exists but has to e updated according to agreed DEX framework Process for supporting the harmonization process of reference data agreed in Core Team. Draft documentation established DEX publication process proposed. Draft documentation established Check lists and other documentation will be sent TOG (OASIS PLCS Technical Oversight Group) for acceptance. PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Activity #5 DEXLib infrastructure In this period the Core Team has reviewed the proposed activities and deliverables identified May 2006. A revised proposal for this activity has been established and presented for the Steering Group. Specifications for each sub-activity have been drafted as part of the revised plan. PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Activity #6 - DEXlib Help section Basis for documentation of DEX Framework (key concepts), DEX publication levels and reference data process have been delivered from the Core Team workshops. Detailed documentation of reference data process on-going Detailed documentation of the reference data process has started. PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Activity #7 – Develop, review and update templates 124 templates are registered in DEXLib Scope for this project: 108 templates 32 templates are ready for review 24 templates have status ‘issue’. These templates were developed in relation to a UK MOD project. The issues have to be resolved prior to review. At present there is no funding to resolve the issues before review. Issue resolving activities are set on ‘hold’. This is an issue for the Steering group. 18 templates without status (property related templates). To be clarified by the Core Team 7 templates under development. Planned ‘Ready For Review’ by 20 April 4 templates ‘RFR’ by 11 May 15 templates ‘RFR’ by 27 May Overlapping templates Overlapping templates (‘Norwegian’ vs ‘UK’ templates) have to be harmonized. No funding on the ‘UK template’ side for doing this harmonization. This is an issue for the Steering Group. PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Activity #8 – Develop, review and update capabilities 61 capabilities are registered in DEXLib 45 templates are scope for this project. 15 of these are ready for review The Core Team has recommended prioritizing templates before the capabilities. The main reason for this is that DEX longforms will be generated from the templates PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Activity #9 - Develop and harmonize DEXs All three DEXs are uploaded to DEXLib Aviation Maintenance DEX is ready for review. Review activities awaits review checklist The two task DEXs have to be harmonized prior to review. Harmonization not started PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Activity #10 - Review and update DEXs This activity is not started. PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Activity #11 – Preparations for establishing Implementers Forum This activity is not started. PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Activity #12 – Final report This activity is not started. PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Comments to Progress (1 of 2) PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Comments to Progress (2 of 2) PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Progress (% of completeness) PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Schedule PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

Costs PLCS Inc. (c) 2002

The end PLCS Inc. (c) 2002