Welcome to: The Administrator’s Role in Leading A PLC


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to: The Administrator’s Role in Leading A PLC

Learning target Establish the Campus Administrator’s Role in Leading an Effective PLC to ensure teachers continue to Engage, Inspire and Achieve the best in their students.

Establishing a CLEAR PURPOSE

A leader takes people where they want to go A leader takes people where they want to go. A GREAT leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go but ought to be. Rosalynn Carter

What is our Purpose? On your post-it, write what you think your teachers would say if asked: “What is the primary purpose of the school?” Most teachers may say the primary purpose of the school is “to teach kiddos” – but in reality, our primary purpose is to make sure students are LEARNING.

…The Fundamental Purpose of School is LEARNING, Not TEACHING - Richard DuFour

KNOW YOUR WHY: WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE? Article Discussion KNOW YOUR WHY: WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE? Quick overview of this article

Children are the Priority. Change is the Reality. Collaboration is the Strategy.   Judith Billings

How can you establish & clarify the PRIMARY purpose of the school with YOUR faculty? Share at table groups – give a few minutes. Share whole groups. We will Collect answers on chart paper

Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.   -Warren Bennis

THE PRINCIPAL’S ROLE IN SUPPORTING LEARNING COMMUNITIES Article THE PRINCIPAL’S ROLE IN SUPPORTING LEARNING COMMUNITIES Administrators will scan article and look for ways to support PLC’s on their own campus

Reflect with your table mates on some powerful points in the article Reflect with your table mates on some powerful points in the article. Share out whole group interesting topics?

Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others. John Maxwell

Looking over the leadership responisiblilities and Identify those that may be useful in PLC’s. Keep in mind struggling and high-functioning PLC’s.

BONE DIAGRAM Look at current situation – and the desired Future.

Share out your bone diagram findings… anything exceptionally new you weren’t thinking of earlier?

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.   John Quincy Adams


High Leverage Districts do the following:

Build shared knowledge with staff regarding key concepts with the PLC process. Reinforce a guaranteed and viable curriculum unit by unit.

Develop and administer common assessments Share, analyze and discuss student data on formative assessments

Monitor student learning with viligance and intervene promptly and systematically. EMPOWER TEACHER LEADERS Shift to conversations about students LEARNING and plans for student acheivement.

How do you transform a team and organization? Everyone must know the plan. Everyone must embrace the plan. Everyone must relentlessly work towards the plan.   Alan Mulally