School-to-Work (S-t-W) Information Bases in Lao P.D.R.
Key Findings Statistical approaches to skills needs monitoring There were few major surveys conducted: National Training Needs Analysis (GTZ-HRDME, 2005) Labour Market Survey (ADB, 2010) Enterprise Survey (GTZ-HRDME, 2005) Donor-supported project initiatives On ad hoc basis
Donor-supported initiatives Ad hoc basis Key Findings Statistical approaches to detect labour market performance There were some tracers studies conducted mostly with support from GTZ-HRDME: National Baseline Tracer Study (in 2007) Second Tracer study in 2010 Lao - Korean Vocational Training Center Tracer Study (2010) Donor-supported initiatives Ad hoc basis
Key Findings Qualitative approaches to monitor skills needs and the transition process There is National Training Council (NTC) with 24 members from government and private sector There is permanent office coordinating and implementing activities for NTC There are 8 trade working groups, working together with TVET dept. and TVET schools on curriculum development, training and dual-education programme development
Key Findings MAJOR CHALLENGES Lack of current, reliable and consistent data in the institutions about their trainees, and, in particular about their access to employment Lack of overall manpower and labor market information There are no general systems for student career information and guidance concerning TVET occupations Public-Private cooperation is still too formal and not so practical and sustainable
Key Findings POLICY MEASURES INTRODUCED TO IMPROVE STW TRANSITION INFO BASES Many provisions included in strategic plan for TVET development 2010-2015: Establish TVET information system Study and analyse training needs Establish annual report system Establish tracer study system for TVET students Establish labor market information system
Key Findings EXAMPLES OF BEST PRACTICES Lao Education Management Information system (Lao EMIS) is function well and can provide good information for future planning and development Newly piloted Career Counselling Office development started in Pakpasack college
RECOMMENDATIONS TO NATIONAL GOVERNMENT Assign more and competent staff with clear mandates and concrete targets for the organizations, responsible for TVET EMIS, i.e. research and development division under dept. TVE, MOE Strengthen coordination and cooperation between MoLSW and MOE in the areas of Labour Market Information System and Skills Needs Information Encourage involvement and roles of private sector in providing information on skills need and cooperating with TVET schools for dual training system LAO PDR
PROPOSED AREAS OF INTERVENTION FOR UNESCO Raise awareness about School-to-Work Transition Information Base and its importance Support the implementation of National Strategic Plan for TVET development, especially strengthening the capacity of MOE and TVET schools staff in conducting and managing skills needs and labour market survey LAO PDR