Salyersville Grade School Elementary Math Tara Howard Salyersville Grade School Magoffin County
Our hopes for this session To become familiar with the Inquiry Design Model to engage students in compelling, relevant learning experiences. To anchor the conversation in the “WHY” this design is important to student achievement. To explore units developed by classroom teachers in elementary, middle and high across content areas. To provide thoughtful input to inform the revision process
Three Components: The IDM Series Component I Questions Component II Tasks Component III Sources
Most of us were taught using direct instruction or lecture style. Traditionally mathematics has been perceived as a difficult subject to incorporate inquiry into. Most of us were taught using direct instruction or lecture style. Students often are taught only the algorithms Workbooks, worksheets Move from independent to collaborative learning
Why IDM and Math?
Why the IDM and Math Combination? This method requires more than remembering a fact or plan. A child’s natural curiosity is addressed. The “why?”. Students reveal misconceptions during this process. RELEVANCY Staging the question will lead to connection to pre-existing schema.
Build a unit around this question. How do I Begin? Think of a relevant question relating content to student interests. This is your Compelling Question. Build a unit around this question. Summative tasks should be planned in a way that students get the skills/information they need to answer the Compelling Question.
What are the Results? For Students: Exploration Engagement Real-world applications Discovery of content relationships
What are the results? For teachers: It’s all on one sheet. Time saver! You can rest assured that students UNDERSTAND the content and it has not just been drill and kill!
Herald Whitaker Middle School Social Studies (6-8) Jessica A. Francis Herald Whitaker Middle School Magoffin County
IDM™ Follows C3 Inquiry Arc This slide highlights the basis for compelling questions in Dimension 1 of the C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards. In content-rich subjects such as social studies, teaching and learning have traditionally focused on memorizing facts first and thinking later. That approach has not worked for all students. The C3 Inquiry Arc reframes that traditional approach by highlighting the use of compelling questions as a way to drive a social studies inquiry. If students are asked a COMPELLING QUESTION … In the middle are the SUPPORTING QUESTIONS, FORMATIVE TASKS, and SOURCES Students answer in the form of a SUMMATIVE ARGUMENT
Why IDM for your students? Students get engaged! Students think on a deeper level – changing what they are able to create Allows for cross-curriculum learning Students get creative!
Why IDM as a teacher? Students get engaged! Student outcomes are more easily focused on their summative and formative tasks. IDM allows you and your students to have fun with lessons Students get creative!
My 1st IDM Journey
My 1st IDM Journey
“It will go away in a few years.” So.. Why Use It? “It will go away in a few years.” “I don’t have time to use “another model” “I’m already letting my kids do creative writing.” “Some lessons don’t fit into the model.”
Continuing IDM This slide presents the blueprint template. Reviewing the entirety of the blueprint at this point is not necessary as the succeeding slide decks are designed to delve into each of the components in considerable detail. The idea is that audience members will gain something from a review of a sample inquiry (the Uncle Tom’s Cabin inquiry for seventh grade is used as the exemplar throughout the slide decks). They will gain even more, however, if they come to understand and embrace the logic behind the components and the ways that they fit together. The Inquiry Design Model (IDM) is built around the ten assumptions in the Conceptual Foundations and is represented in the blueprint. The blueprint offers a visual snapshot of an entire inquiry such that the individual components and the relationship among the components can all be seen at once.
Inquiry Design Model is designed for deeper learning
Thank you! Now, before you leave . . . Please give us your feedback! Remember, there is a wealth of information about the IDM Units located on C3 Teachers Network If you want to learn more, please contact: The