What is a “Bridge” Network? Voluntary partnership framework of private companies who came together and committed to support and advance the sustainable rural tourism development in Armenia through multi-stakeholder engagement and collective actions. Mission Enhance natural, cultural and business potential of rural destinations to generate socio-economic benefits for the local communities through introduction of competitive rural tour products and services.
Network Goals Facilitate a country forum for exchange of information, viewpoints, and experience, excite new ideas and facilitate open dialog among tourism stakeholders. Integrate the rural and urban business capabilities and foster cooperation between tourism industry players and owners of rural tour products. Encourage and support its members to develop joint initiatives and implement partnership projects. Contribute to the development of the competitive products, promotion, market access and quality improvement of the rural tour products. Act as a country platform and mediator for outreach and dialogue on issues related to the rural tourism development.
Network Eligible Members Any tourism related company/organization registered in RA: Incoming tour operators and travel agencies Tourism Associations, NGOs, Foundations BDS providers Media/Advertising companies.
Joining the Network Three steps to become a member of Network: Letter of interest Any legally registered in Armenia company is free to apply for Network membership by sending a letter of Interest. Screening The company/organization may be refused in joining to the Network if - there are obvious evidences of past mistrustful activities or bad public reputation; - the company pursues own goals for using the Network capabilities. Becoming a Member After scanning, the UNDP Armenia will grant a member status to the candidate.
Network Timeframe “Bridge” is not a registered entity and doesn’t have any legal status. The timeframe of the Network will be identical with the project timeframe. Members can arbitrary exit from the Network any time by delivering a written notice to the Network Management body. After the Project completion Network Members are free to continue the network activities on their own or terminate the network by a unanimous, undivided vote.
Network Management The Network activities will be supported and managed by a Network Management body. The Management body is responsible for the internal and external communications of the network. The highest governing body of the Network is the General Meeting of members that is being organized on regular bases at least once in two months. Decisions at the Network Meeting are made through open and transparent voting. Each member company have one vote during the Network Meetings and Working Groups initiative. A quorum of at least 50 +1 % of all members is necessary to make decisions during Network Meetings.
Network Management Body Network Structure Network Management Body Working Group NETWORK
Responsibilities of Network Management Body Organize and facilitate the Network and Working Groups meetings. Keep the Members updated of Project initiatives, upcoming activates, campaigns promoted or tools developed. Assist and facilitate partnership and joint project initiatives between Network Members. Maintain relationship with the media to increase public awareness of the Network initiatives.
Rights of Network Members Participate in Network Meetings with one vote. Participate in any and more than one of Working Group activities. Voice concerns about the structure and procedures of the Network and Working groups. Propose joint partnership projects and participate in the projects presented by other members of Network. Exit the Network at any time.
Responsibilities of Network Members Respect the rights of other Members and the Principles of the Network. Actively participate in Network Meetings and Initiatives. Notify about any potential difficulties in meeting the Network goals. Contribute to the Project in the process of new rural tour products development and make the products part of their tour packages that will be promoted and marketed abroad. Do not commit actions that are against the UN SDG: http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/