The GrEaT CoMmUnIcAtOrS ..!! Teacher: Anica Petkoska .. PeOpLe The GrEaT CoMmUnIcAtOrS ..!! Teacher: Anica Petkoska Subject : English Students: Despina Gjorgjieska,Ema Dimitrieska,Violeta Poposka,Marija Savska and Kristijan Dimitrieski
Introduction Communication made us who we are now. The beauty of talking understanding is irreplaceable. The only thing that separates us from wild animals. Everything we know, everything we like, love, made everything possible that is communication. We must care about it and try not to lose it. Some animals develop a web of communication that somehow shields them from us and we can’t understand a thing that they say. It’s not important how far away is the person you are communicating as long as you have a computer, telephone or some other device that transmit your voice in every place on earth. As the years passed by, from the cave paintings to the lap tops, we made a very big progress in today’s communication. In the paragraphs that my friends are going to present, we’ll find out how we developed our communication from the past till today.
A history of communication The history of communication dates back to the earliest signs of life. Speech meant easier coordination and cooperation, technological progress and development of complex. A symbol is something such as an object, picture, written word, sound, or particular mark that represents something. The oldest known symbols are the cave paintings. Cave drawings were murals that people painted onto the walls of caves and canyons to tell the story of their culture. The history of writing follows the art of expressing language by letters or other marks.. The first pure alphabets emerged around 2000 BC in Ancient Egypt. Drums were one way to send signals to neighboring tribes and groups. The sound of the drumming patterns would tell them of concerns and events they needed to know. Smoke signals were another way to send messages to people who were not close enough to use words with. Can you imagine living without your telephone? We sure have come a long way!
Before Now
Differences between people and animals First of all I need to say, that every person is derive from animals, actually as we know from monkeys. In the past, people communicate with insignia, and still then existed differences between people and animals. The principal difference is that people can think, speak, remember, learn... Communication is principal difference between people and animals. Of course, and animals communicate in some their way, but we people don’t understand that. We can say, that we have developed mind and we can do things that animals never will can. We can enjoy in all beauty and novelty that world offers us, but also we enjoy in the beauties that nature offers us, for example animals. We are complicated humankind and always will be.
How we communicate One of the most human abilities is the capacity for creating and understanding language. In today’s world much communication is visual, videos, CD’s, billboards. In fact much of what we communicate is more about our body language and our tone of voice than the words that we use. We talk, we listen, and we write, we read, we draw or we point. To communicate is to get someone to share your thoughts. You can talk with your friends, parents, family. When you think about something you talk to yourself. You can communicate without speaking, only if you listen the person who is. We should respect other people’s ideas. We use phones, television, radio, e-mail… to communicate. We can communicate with the people around the world by the internet. As the years passed by we developed a lot of ways to communicate today.
Communication today As we said, communication exists years ago, actually at the beginning of the human's life. Then they communicate in different ways. Our communication today is very modern, simple, scientifically, but also is very complicated. Technology is very important process and is very important thing in all that we have in our currently communication. The modern people or all people in nowadays use computers, internet, mobiles… And before that, people use some modern communications, for example information from radios, television, writing letters, use old telephones… But in this world, with computers and now with internet all problems or every mistake will be corrected. Internet makes this world incredible. It permits communication worldwide and connect people from the entire world. If communication continues evolve as now we will live in magic, international world, where all information will be available.