Sub heading for your presentation – Arial 20pt Title slide - Arial 44pt Sub heading for your presentation – Arial 20pt
European Regional Development Fund <<insert your organisation name>> was awarded a Climate Challenge Fund grant totalling <<insert amount>>* to run the <<insert CCF project name>>. *This amount includes a maximum contribution of <<insert amount>> from the European Regional Development Fund. In 2017/18 the Climate Challenge Fund totals £9.97 million and is a combination of £9.09 million from the Scottish Government and £0.88 million from the European Regional Development Fund. The European Regional Development Fund comes from the European Structural and Investment Fund which helps to facilitate major investments to support transformational change and economic and social structural reforms across Scotland. The Scottish Government is the Managing Authority for the European Structural Funds 2014 Programme. For further information visit their website or follow @scotgovESIF on Twitter
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