DIRECTIVE 2000/60/ES of the European Parliament and Council from October 23rd 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water.


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Presentation transcript:

DIRECTIVE 2000/60/ES of the European Parliament and Council from October 23rd 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy Ladislav Bíža CEI Prague Notes

Purpose of the Directive Create a framework for protection of all kinds of water Prevent further deterioration and improve the state of water resources Enhance sustainable use of water Purposefully decrease emissions and leakages of priority dangerous substances Decrease pollution of ground waters Contribute to soften the effects of floods and dry periods

MAIN AIM OF THE DIRECTIVE Achieve good state of all kinds of water by 2015 Deadlines of key measures: 6/2005 – calibrate classification of ecological state of waters 2006 – put monitoring in operation 2009 – ensure measures to achieve environmental goals 2009 – prepare catchment area plans 2010 - introduce price policy

Czech Republic Transposition of the Directive into legislation: Acts (254/2001Coll., 274/2001Coll. and others) Government Decrees Decrees 3 main catchment areas 8 catchment areas

RESPONSIBILITY Government of the CR – approve the plan of main catchment areas Ministry of Agriculture – prepares plans of 3 main catchment areas Managers of catchment areas – prepare plans of 8 catchment areas CEI – consulting role

INFORMATION RESOURCES Ministry of Agriculture - Ministry of Environment - River Boards State Enterprises - www.povodí.cz Water Management Research Institute of T.G.Masaryk - Thank you for attention