David Barrett, QERLI, 12th May 2016 2f Using feedback and metrics to drive quality enhancement Case studies from the BSc Nursing programmes David Barrett, QERLI, 12th May 2016
Case study 1: Unratified results Previous practice: Results released to students approximately six weeks after submission, on a Friday afternoon Feedback/evidence: Students reported lack of support following results release Poor NSS results in relation to feedback Reduced time for students to prepare resubmission Breach of University ‘four-week’ regulation on feedback Solution: Move to unratified result release (approx. two weeks earlier) Release of marks on Wednesday lunchtime Results helpline developed Impact: University regulations now adhered to Positive student feedback Impact on NSS to be evaluated Autumn 2016
Case study 2: Documentation amnesty Previous practice: Students who had successful practice placement, but in whom mentors made a ‘technical’ error on assessment documentation, were failed Feedback/evidence: Up to one-third of students failing practice modules due to documentation errors Concerns raised by external examiners about fail rate Solution: Students now provided with documentation amnesty period Once an error is identified, students are given a deadline to collect, ask mentor to correct, and then return document Impact: In the first large module to use the new process, 65 students would have failed due to a documentation issue. Using the amnesty, only 7 failed for this reason
Case study 3: Final year structure Current practice: Students submit dissertation in early September at end of final year Feedback/evidence: Students concerned about writing dissertation whilst working full-time on final placement Delay in professional registration (approx. 6 weeks after completing programme) Approx. 10% of previous cohorts delayed in registering by up to 4 months due to need to resubmit dissertation Solution: September 2014 cohort will start and finish dissertation earlier in final year (hand-in late June) Impact: To be evaluated in October 2017
Any questions? David Barrett Email: d.i.barrett@hull.ac.uk Twitter: @barrett1972