Biology October 6, 2016 Class: Post River Study Homework: Test on Water properties, Water cycle, Macroinvertebrates, Watershed Next week
We will fill in the chart and determine the quality of the river. Results from river We will fill in the chart and determine the quality of the river. Adapted from Mr. Christensen
Pd 2 Data Sheet Date 10/5/16 Site ID: Above Bridge Stream: West Branch of Susquehanna Latitude: 40.97 N Longitude: 78.5 W Time: 8:45 am Time Sampling: .5 hrs Air Temp: 150C Water Temp: 180C Current Weather: Overcast Worst Weather: Overcast Methods: Kick Seine Net Habitat: Riffles Sediment 15 – 59F 18 – 64.4F
Pd 2 Macroinvertebrates 30 Mayfly Nymph >100 Caddisfly Larva 7 Riffle Beetles 2 Hellgrammites (Dobsonfly Larva) 25 Damselfly 10 Crayfish 1 Flatworm 12 Black fly larva 4 Aquatic Worms 2 Blood midge larva
Pd 6 Data Sheet Date 10/5/16 Site ID: Below Anderson Creek Stream: West Branch of Susquehanna Latitude: 40.97 N Longitude: 78.5 W Time: 12:30 pm Time Sampling: .5 hrs Air Temp: 150C Water Temp: 200C Current Weather: Overcast Worst Weather: Overcast Methods: Kick Seine Net Habitat: Riffles Sediment 18.3 – 65F 20 – 68F
Macroinvertebrates 2 Mayfly Nymph 4 Caddisfly Larva 11 Damselfly 1 Dragonfly 19 Crayfish 11 Aquatic Worms
Research: How land affects water quality.
Land use & Water Quality 1. City -poor quality- factories-polluted or diff. temperature-thermal pollution-warmer=less dissolved oxygen no trees trash, oil, through storm drains
2. Farm-good quality some trees-but many cut down less O2 & shade, no leaf food. fertilizer washes into stream-causes algae to take over (Eutrophication) Cows crush stream banks-sediment pollution cow waste- excess nitrogen
3. Forest-excellent TREES: shade-more dissolved O2 in cold water leaves make food roots-prevent erosion
What was the environment around our sampling site? Grass along banks keep erosion from going into river. Man-made buildings and road which could allow for more run-off Some trees and shrubs
Description of Experiment Collecting Macroinvertebrates Net Holders – Pulled Net Tight and held at 45 degrees. Nets were kept at the substrate base. Kickers – Kicked 1 inch below substrate and walked 1 meter to kick net Net was brought up in a scooping fashion and organisms were brought to the bank
Description of Experiment Identifying Macroinvertebrates Organisms were place on white plastic Tweezers and spoons were used to put organisms that are alike. Organisms were then identified and counted.
What is our problem or question for this study? What is the water quality of the West Branch of the Susquehanna in Curwensville, PA? Pass out paper for students to write.
You will then create a hypothesis If the water quality is ___________ (Excellent, Good, Fair, or Poor), then there will be many ______________ (Intolerant, Moderately Intolerant, Fairly Tolerant or Very Tolerant) macroinvertebrates found.
Stream Ecology