France France
Flag The French flag is blue ,white and red.
Facts The population is around 67 million. The president of France is Emmanuel Macron. France is 9 times bigger than Ireland The capital of France is Paris.
Places to visit You could see the Eiffel Tower. If are lucky you could see the longest river in France the Loire. Mont Blanc is so big you can see it from one of the cities in France
Eiffel Tower The Eiffel Tower is 300m high. The Eiffel Tower is located on the Champ de Maris in Paris.
Crazy Facts France is the most visited country in the world: 83 million tourist in 2012. France once controlled more than 8% of the world’s land. In France you can marry a dead person.
Questions Q: What is the population of France? 67 million. Q: What percentage of land did France once control? They controlled 8% of world’s land. Q: Who is the president of France? Emmanuel Macron is the president of France.
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