Vehicle BRAKES Two brake systems front & back Check yearly
Vehicle LIGHTS ~Headlights ~Tail lights 2 working lights Used from sunset-sunrise or at dusk til dawn Wipers on = Lights on Dim bright lights 500ft before meeting & 300ft before passing ~Tail lights 2 red lights (500ft)
Vehicle ~Turn Signals ~Stop lights Right & left In front & rear Seen from 300ft ~Stop lights Red or Amber Seen from 500ft in normal sunlight
Vehicle ~License plate lights: White light ~Parking lights Front & Rear To be seen on highway
Vehicle SEAT BELTS ~Click it or Ticket ~ Child restraint systems MIRRORS ~ Must have a rearview mirror ~ 2 side view mirrors
Vehicle WINDOWS ~Windshield must be clear ~No obstructions between front & rear windows ~No tint on windows in front & front side windows WIPERS ~Must operate properly ~Turn on headlights
Vehicle HORN ~Must be heard from 200ft away MUFFLER ~Prevents Noise & Smoke ~Increasing Noise is illegal
Vehicle BUMPERS ~Must have a front bumper ~Illegal to alter suspension to lift car more than 3 inches