Production status – christmas processing


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Presentation transcript:

Production status – christmas processing 7/01/2013 ALICE Offline

Reprocessing of MC cycles with fixed label=0 Old cycle Type Centrality Status (requestor) Priority New cycle LHC12a17a,b,c Hadronic charm Pb-Pb 0-10(a) 10-50(b) 50-90(c) approved (HF) done, waiting for QA (HF) not yet approved 3 2 LHC12a17b_fix LHC12a17d,e,f Electrons Pb-Pb 0-10(d) 10-50(e) 50-90(f) 99 LHC12a17g,h,i J/psi Pb-Pb 0-10(g) 10-50(h) 50-90(i) approved (DQ) LHC12g4b DPMJET p-A Config.C faulty (pA TF) 1 LHC12g4b_fix LHC12g1 p-A done (pA TF) LHC12g1_fix

Other MC productions Cycle Type Status (requestor) Priority LHC12i4a Phi for Low Mass dimuon Pb-Pb done (DQ) 4 LHC12i4b OMEGA for Low Mass dimuon Pb-Pb LHC12i6 LHC11a pp@2.76 TeV (Pythia) p-p done (LF) LHC12i5(a,b) Starlight events p-p done (UD) LHC12i2 minbias AMPT with added signals Pb-Pb waiting for QA (GA) 3

RAW data processing #38130: VPass for LHC12h – 226 runs, done Re-CPass0/CPass1 of LHC12i - done

RAW data reconstruction strategy for LHC13a p-A

Reconstruction passes (1) Immediate reconstruction of Calorimeter and Muon data Similar to LHC12h, LHC12i Using trigger alias kPhysME No prior calibration necessary Fast reconstruction – mid-sized run is ready for analysis ~5 hours after data taking Independent on data taking/trigger cluster Small output ~2% of RAW, including ESDs, AODs and QA

Reconstruction passes (2) Standard CPass0/CPass1 Using trigger aliases kCalibOuter/kCalibBarrel Ready ~24 hours after data taking Output – calibration objects and QA There are sufficient CPUs to run both (1) and (2) in parallel

Reconstruction passes (3) VPass (adhering to current calibration schema) At the end of period One week after the end of last run – following period of manual calibration and changes of code (if needed) On 10% of RAW Output – ESDs, AODs and QA

Reconstruction passes (4) Full pass (adhering to current calibration schema) At the end of period One week after the end VPass – following QA only If any of the calibration or code requires changes, then another VPass Output – ESDs, AODs and QA

Reconstruction passes (5) p-A period – two reconstructions Same job (more efficient) Two separate jobs (less chances of interference) Reconstruction of ‘FAST’ cluster, no SDD Based on trigger alias Reconstruction of ‘ALL’ cluster Two separate ESDs/AOD and QA(?)

largely change during run detector ALL CENT FAST MUON pp 130 kHz V0 350 kHz pp 60kHz V0 160 kHz T0, V0 ZDC 120 - ACO EMC ? 320 420 move to FAST? FMD 220 PHO 850 SDD 1000 SPD SSD 260 remove from MUON? HMP 250 TOF TPC 650 400 to be 300 us at MEB=4 TRD 50 MCH 500 200 largely change during run MTR 160 PMD From trigger coordination: Ken Oyama/Evgeny Kryshen

Reconstruction passes (6) Possible extensions/changes Manual TPC calibration to fix integrated-luminosity dependent distortion of space points within part of the acceptance: ~-0.3<eta<0. Fast reconstruction after CPass0/CPass1 – shortening of the QA and manual upgrades strategy (if possible)

Related tasks/reports  #38981: Strategy for RAW data reconstruction of period LHC13a (p-A) #99650: Trigger aliases for RAW data reconstruction of p-A data (LHC13a) #99651: Vpass and production pass strategy for p-A period LHC13a #99665: Crash in Stage5 merging of pA LHC12g1_fix due to TPCQA wagon #99666: Crash in Stage5 merging of LHC12i2 due to TRDQA wagon #99670: Increased virtual memory after the "Label 0 fix“ #99671: porting merging fix for new output structure TPC calib

Preparation  Bug fixes (if done) related to QA/Calibration can be checked in full pass of LHC12h Highly desirable MC (Label=0) memory fragmentation fix can be checked with Pb-Pb MC, next cycle is LHC12a17a_fix (central 0-10%) Reconstruction strategy and trigger aliases should be clarified and prepared asap Additional input from PWG-PP needed