Non-Defense Discretionary Levels (in billions) Budget Control Act Caps Sequester Caps CEF: 9/26/16
Education Bill Did Not Receive its Fair Share of Funding Increase
Education Funding Still Below 2010 Level Excluding Pell Grants (Department of Education discretionary funds in billions) *Senate Appropriations Committee bill rescinds $1.2 billion of previously appropriated Pell Grant funding, which lowers the amount available but does not show in the 2017 total CEF: 10/24/16
2017 Funding Bills Cut Education Dept. Discretionary Funding K-12 cut by both bills when excluding IDEA. Including IDEA, K-12 funding is up by 0.3% in House bill, cut by 1.3% in Senate bill Career and technical funding is frozen at 2016 level Post-secondary funding cut by both bills Other (IES, Admin, Rehabilitation Services, OIG) cut by both bills
Congressional Bills Cut K-12 and Higher Education Discretionary Funding Billions *Senate Appropriations Committee rescinds $1.2 billion of previously appropriated Pell Grant funding, which lowers the amount available but does not show in the 2017 total CEF: 10/13/16
Education Accounts for Just 2% of All Federal Spending Source: FY2017 OMB Budget CEF: 11/8/16