Working with milling complex Basic competency : Milling helix gear
Learn activity V Milling helix gear Activity aim: Realize and make calculation about helix gear Can made helix gear
Helix gear bodywork
Helix gear bodywork D : Distance for diameter Informations: Df : Tooth foot diameter Dk : Tooth head diameter h : Tooth high hf : Tooth foot high hk : Tooth head high b : Tooth slope corner ta : Distance between tooth arch tn : Distance between normal tooth arch b : Tooth wide bn : Normal tooth wide Informations:
Milling helix gear Steps: a. Size calculation b. Cutter election c. Successor gear installing d. Object installing Steps: e. Cutter setting f. Bed setting g. Dismemberment depth setting h. Dismemberment
Size calculation 1) Pitch diameter Metric system = tooth total x module x slope corner secant Diametral Pitch System
Size calculation 2) Outside Diameter a) Outside Diameter = Pitch diameter + (2 x modul) b) Outside Diameter = Pitch diameter +
Size calculation 3) Revolve that must be cut
Gear transfer ratio Uw : Gear comparison from wheels exchange Pl : Object revolve Pw: : Object revolve screw zPG : Tooth total time result from activator wheels exchange zDG : Tooth total time result from moved wheels exchange
Resume helix gear milling steps: a. Size calculation b. Cutter election c. Successor gear installing helix gear milling steps: d. Object installing e. Cutter setting f. Bed setting g. Dismemberment depth setting h. Dismemberment
Task Do observation in repair shop or industrial! Perceive helix gear use! 2. Analysis its use, profit and the loss!
Formative test Explain helix gear bodywork 2. What most determine in cutter election in helix gear milling? 3. Helix gear has countershaft rotation 1200rpm, transmission number 3, tooth total 20, normal module 2 and tooth corner 18. Determine gear fundamental norm!
DAFTAR PUSTAKA Tim Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (2004) Modul Mengeset Mesin dan Program CNC (dasar), Yogyakarta:Bagian Proyek Pengembangan Kurikulum. Windarto (2008) Teknik Pemesinan Jilid 2, Memahami Mesin CNC Dasar, Jakarta:Direktorat Pembina Sekolah Kejuruan.