Plate Tectonics Put Your Name Here!!!
Draw a model of the Earths interior Include inner core, outer core, mantle and crust. Say what each layer is mostly made of.
What did Alfred Wegner have that helped prove his theory of continental Drift? Add an appropriate picture that demonstrates his proof.
Find a model of continental drift and paste it in this slide Find a model of continental drift and paste it in this slide. What is Continental drift?
What is the mechanism that drives continental drift What is the mechanism that drives continental drift? Add a picture from Google that illustrates this Mechanism.
Draw arrows that demonstrate a transform boundary and explain what happens at the site of a this boundary.
Draw arrows of a divergent boundary and explain what happens at the site of a this boundary.
Draw arrows for a convergent boundary and explain what happens at the site of a this boundary. (Continental to Continental crust) (Copy and paste an example from Google)
Draw arrows for a convergent boundary and explain what happens at the site of a this boundary. (Continental Crust to Oceanic crust) (Copy and paste an example from Google)