Air Traffic Organization FAA Academy Courses ICAO Flight Inspection Seminar Sao Jose Dos Campos Brazil Aviation System Standards November 21, 2011
FAA Academy Courses 15300051 Airspace Systems Inspection Pilot/Technician Planned Date January 23 – February 10, 2012 Tuition = $6,397 USD 15310001 Basic PANS-OPS Intro to PANS-OPS/Ground Based Navigation Systems April 2 – May 4, 2012 Tuition = $5,515 15310001 PBN PANS-OPS RNAV & RNP Date Pending Tuition Pending Talking Points 15300051 Date planned date only – subject to change 15310001 Serves as PANS-OPS intro (no prior procedure design training/experience required) Covers procedure design of ground based navaids (ILS, VOR, etc) 15320001 Course currently being updated Covers GNSS, SBAS, GBAS Includes RNP-SAAR Tuition and Dates available after update complete More info/course syllabus available at website Course Catalog:
Flight Validation of Satellite-Based Performance-Based Instrument Flight Procedures Course Overview Course Number: 21000061 Version Date: 4/26/2011 Version Number: 1.3
Target Audience Primary Secondary Industry Personnel FAA Personnel Pilots Service Providers FAA Personnel Aviation Safety Inspectors (ASIs, Operations) Principal Operations Inspectors (POIs) Relevant members of a Certificate Management Office (CMO) FAA Personnel Aviation Safety Inspectors (ASIs, Avionics) Air Traffic Control Facility Managers Aviation System Standards (AJW) TERPS management Relevant Department of Defense (DoD) personnel
Overview Course Goal and Objectives Overview of the Course Course Review
Course Goal The overall goal of this course is to familiarize the FAA and the aviation industry with the Instrument Flight Procedure Validation (IFPV) process.
Course Objectives You will be able to: Understand the IFPV processes and procedures in accordance with applicable FAA policy and guidance materials Understand the IFPV requirements for documentation, reporting, aircraft, training, and crew
Course Objectives You will be able to: Identify key differences pertaining to Performance-Based Navigation (PBN), Required Navigation Performance (RNP) and Area Navigation (RNAV) Identify ARINC 424 coding used in the development of Satellite-Based PBN Instrument Flight Procedures (IFP)
Course Lessons Course Overview Performance-Based Navigation Coding of PBN Instrument Flight Procedures Preflight Validation Flight Validation IFPV Requirements Course Summary Course Review
FAA Academy Courses On-Site classes Available Academy provides Price Quote Schedule Based on Customer Request and Instructor Availability Start Process any Time of Year FAA Academy Point of Contact: Steve Blue, Program Manager Flight Procedures & Flight Inspection Training (405) 954-1085 Talking Points On-Site Classes All 3 classes can be conducted in host country Price dependent on location, number of students, etc. Class dates dependent on instructor availability (sometimes limited) Recommend minimum of 10 students = keep costs per student down May inquire about classes anytime and start process any time of the year (not just start of FY)