Oxygen Gas Velocity Limits CGA G-4.4 - 1993 Industrial Practices for Gaseous Oxygen Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems
Chart Micro Motion Typically Uses For Pipe, Fittings, Components & Valves The previous metering skid (mothballed) used multiple turbine meters to handle the 50:1 flow range. Rather than refurbish this skid, the customer decided to use Coriolis technology with no moving parts, eliminating virtually all field maintenance. The majority of these metering sites are remote: the estimated round-trip cost for a repair technician to reach a site is in excess of $1000-$2000. Maintenance savings were another factor in the selection of Coriolis. Yet another factor is the “real estate” savings: with no straight pipe run requirement, the MMI skid occupies less than 100 ft2, compared to the turbine meter skid at around 500 ft2 .
Other Considerations CGA recommends special cleaning for oxygen service - please quote O2CERT or O2CERT2 for all oxygen applications Filters are often recommended upstream of valves, and meters Consider using a high nickel alloy for applications where velocity is in question!!