Monitoring H2 by Real Time H2 Sensor by Nohmi Takashi & Mogi Toshio Topics for 2 consecutive presentations 1 Mixing H2 with AIR, N2 Gases :Before and After Diffusion to find localized H2 Clouds 2 The concentration change of H2 in msecond is topics 3 Visible Evidence of H2 Bubbles 4 Buoyancy of H2 in flow 5 Spike Head H2 in Long Tube 6 Dependency on the Diameter Effect of Tube 7 Exhaust Gas of FCV
GLOBAL REGISTRY Global technical regulation HYDROGEN POWERED VEHICLE Fuel cell discharge system: [At vehicle exhaust system’s point of discharge, the hydrogen concentration level shall not exceed 4% average by volume during any moving three-second (3sec) time interval during normal operation including start-up and shutdown.] Center line of the exhaust gas outlet 100mm H2 Sensor Sampling Point
Sx Schematic Diagram Sx image
Fig. Sx Sensor Output vs H2 Concentration Log/Log Concentration vs Intensity Riability test for repeated injection H2 Pulse Front Pulse End
Fig. Visualization of H2 Bubble by Smoke Particles. H2 By injection from 10ml syring Transparent plastic tube filled by smoke particles Visualization by Light source Inlet of H2 Flows Spiral structure To cut the inertia to Z axes As possible The H2 comes out by buoyancy
Cylinder Experiment Vertical and Horizontal Vertical Position Procedure: 1 reduce pressure in cylinder 2 filled by N2 3 H2 introduced from bottom 4Movement of H2 clouds Different in Vertical/ Horizontal Horizontal Position
Figure Vertical mixing (right-angle mixing head) L:12.4m, Presuure:0.2MPa N2&H2
Introduction of H2 1msec pulse in Air and N2 H2 introduction to N2 in pipe All experiment is started by preset experimental condition To reach the equilibrium concentration of H2 The front wave concentration showed differently as expected and equilibrium concentration Ceq =27% Cmax=44% Depend onpreset conditions
H2 pulse 1-100msec Quick valve motion did not followed by 1ms demand 5msec pulse H2 showed 78% H2 compared to equilibrium concentration of 27% As Pulse width increase, Spike width increased But the concentration of H2 spike head decreased
H2 pulse 1-100msec Spike Width dependency Spike Height dependency by given H2 pulse Spike Height dependency Cmax vs Ceq by given H2 pulse
Buoyancy Effect in Pipe In Past Experiments the Introduction of H2 plse to N2 in various diameter of Pipes showed By AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Tsukuba) 1) More than 25mm -150mm diameter of Pipes H2 front comes first in the upper layer 2)At the end of pulse introduction of H2, H2 last longer in the upper layer of pipe H2 than Lower layer of pipe 3)Upper layer, the concentration of H2 is higher than lower especially in front and the end wave
H2 Concentration in FCV Exhaust Gas 1) H2 concentration was analyzed In FCV exhaust gas in 2ms interval 2) Pulse H2 in 60 seconds interval During idling condition 3) Shape of the spectra reflecting the structure of Fuel Cell stack 2 Patterns
H2 Monitoring Reflect the flow pattern of H2 clouds in Exhaust Pipe Considering the delocalized concentration of H2 clouds Fuel cell discharge system: [At vehicle exhaust system’s point of discharge, the hydrogen concentration level shall not exceed 4% average by volume during any moving three-second (3sec) time interval during normal operation including start-up and shutdown.] Localized clouds Center line of the exhaust gas outlet 1) H2 Spike Head in front wave of H2 pulse 2) H2 Buoyancy Effect in Pipe 3) Detection should be taken Into account the clouds direction To be sprayed 100mm H2 Sensor Sampling Point
Conclusion A) Real time monitoring of H2 by Sx showed H2 clouds before diffusion. B) Our actual data showed The high concentration phase of H2 clouds survives and moves upward by buoyancy or flow forming the spike head rather than homogeneously diffusing. C) Also when mixing proceeds, the head of H2 cloud moves straight to form the spike head as observed in millisecond monitored by Sx. D) In the cylinder experiment and also the transparent plastic tube experiment showed H2 cloud movement upward rather than diffusing in all directions. E) In FCV Exhaust Gas H2 Concentration Monitored showed quite similar pattern in spike experiment. High concentration of H2 appeared in every H2 purging actions depend on Fuel Cell Stack Structure. In basic theory of Rayleigh-Taylor instability, if the two gas phases instead of the two fluids with different densities is considered, the spike head might be came out as a cloud which we observed by Sx. The instability of the plane interface between the two fluids, when it occurs, is called the Rayleigh-Taylor instability”
Thank you for your attention Nohmi Takashi nohmi@ Sx for FCV exhaust Gas Pattern Analysis