Helen Blanchett, Subject specialist (scholarly communications) Jisc OA Good Practice Helen Blanchett, Subject specialist (scholarly communications)
https://ux. digitalresources. jisc. ac https://ux.digitalresources.jisc.ac.uk/web-assets/oa-visualisation-original/desktop/ 11/06/2018 Supporting OA implementation, Helen Blanchett
Open access good practice OA Good Practice aims to develop shareable examples of good practice, so that a range of approaches can be collaboratively developed and commonly applied according to the individual needs of the HEI. Pathfinder projects OA Community development 11/06/2018 Supporting OA implementation, Helen Blanchett
Pathfinder projects Across regions Across institutional types (mission, scale of research intensity) Across professions (librarians, research managers, repository managers) Across OA themes (cost management, advocacy etc.) Across policies (RCUK/COAF, REF, Horizon 2020) Across disciplines Realigned in 2015 11/06/2018 Supporting OA implementation, Helen Blanchett
Community Events Blog Mailing list Twitter http://openaccess.jiscinvolve.org/wp/events/ Blog http://openaccess.jiscinvolve.org/wp/ Mailing list oagoodpractice@jiscmail.ac.uk Twitter @OA_Goodpractice #OAGP 11/06/2018 Supporting OA implementation, Helen Blanchett
Improved knowledge/ skills/ capacity Improved OA processes/ workflows Cycle of impact Cost savings Cost efficiencies Improved productivity Toolkits Case studies Templates Improved knowledge/ skills/ capacity Pathfinder projects Cost management Advocacy Institutional policy Improved OA processes/ workflows Workshops Webinars Syntheses OA community 11/06/2018 Supporting OA implementation, Helen Blanchett
Pathfinder outputs so far: advocacy UCL/ Newcastle/ Nottingham Pathfinder (Pathways to OA): Advocacy toolkit Coventry/ Northampton/ DeMontfort (O2OA): OA lifecycle: ‘Needs analysis’, Guide for researchers; Intervention mapping guide for understanding researcher behaviour Oxford Brookes/ Nottingham Trent University/ University of Portsmouth (Making Sense of OA) : CIAO ; MIAO; Researcher interview data/ methodology; Portsmouth REF poster Edinburgh/ Heriot-Watt/ St Andrews (LOCH): case studies, templates Northumbria/ Sunderland: Decision-making tool for researchers All advocacy outputs can be found here: http://bit.ly/1UijE5y [You don’t need to go through each of the outputs here (unless you are already familiar with them). Maybe just refer them to the URL or the most recent Update/ synthesis where they can take a look at the ones they are most interested in.] 11/06/2018 Supporting OA implementation, Helen Blanchett
Pathfinder outputs so far: workflows Manchester/ Edge Hill/ Salford/ Liverpool/ John Moores (opeNWorks: Case studies and toolkit Hull/ Lincoln/ Huddersfield (HHuLOA) : OA Lifecycle Northumbria/ Sunderland: Case studies; Glasgow/ Lancaster/ Southampton/ Kent (E2EOA): Lancaster workflows Edinburgh/ Heriot-Watt/ St Andrews (LOCH) : St Andrews Lean case study St Andrews Lean case study All workflow outputs can be found here: http://bit.ly/1MI0DIp [You don’t need to go through each of the outputs here (unless you are already familiar with them). Maybe just refer them to the URL or the most recent Update/ synthesis where they can take a look at the ones they are most interested in.] 11/06/2018 Supporting OA implementation, Helen Blanchett
Pathfinder outputs so far: cost management Bath/ Bristol/ Exeter/ Cardiff (GW4): FCA report Bath/ Bristol/ Exeter/ Cardiff (GW4): Guide to using credit cards, Open Access Reporting Checklist and Sample APC Payment Workflows for Institutions; Off-setting report (coming soon) Northumbria/ Sunderland: APC Cost Modelling tool All cost management outputs can be found here: http://bit.ly/1E4wIlJ [You don’t need to go through each of the outputs here (unless you are already familiar with them). Maybe just refer them to the URL or the most recent Update/ synthesis where they can take a look at the ones they are most interested in.] 11/06/2018 Supporting OA implementation, Helen Blanchett
Pathfinder outputs so far… Systems & metadata Policy Glasgow/ Lancaster/ Southampton/ Kent (E2EOA): Eprints OA metadata spec; and Hydra implementation case study (coming soon) Hull/ Huddersfield/ Lincoln: Fedora OA metadata implementation case study (coming soon) Edinburgh/ Heriot-Watt/ St Andrews (LOCH): PURE specification Various project links/ testing, particularly Hull/ Huddersfield/ Lincoln: Monitor and RIOXX Hull/ Lincoln/ Huddersfield (HHuLOA): Funder policy mapping Glasgow/ Lancaster/ Southampton/ Kent/ (E2EOA): REF workshop fed back to HEFCE and had FAQ updated as result All Policy outputs can be found here: http://bit.ly/1DmKFAF All Pathfinder systems and metadata outputs can be found here: http://bit.ly/1OKZtJL [You don’t need to go through each of the outputs here (unless you are already familiar with them). Maybe just refer them to the URL or the most recent Update/ synthesis where they can take a look at the ones they are most interested in.] 11/06/2018 Supporting OA implementation, Helen Blanchett
Pathfinder realignment Manchester (opeNWorks) Approaches to deposit Benchmarking of institutional OA support services Using case studies and sector- wide survey in December, reports to be released in March 16 UCL (Pathways to OA) Exploration of approach to treating research outputs as REF exceptions- workshop and resulting toolkit in Jan 16 REF OA policy and use of subject repositories- workshop and report Feb 16 Payment of APCs on multi- author/multi-institution papers- survey (completed) and report Feb 16 Also planning to scope benefits of Springer off-setting deal • Both the Manchester and UCL projects shifted the focus of their projects in order to concentrate on addressing some of the specific challenges identified by the review of progress towards implementation OA policy for REF undertaken by research consulting in May. • Here is a list of some of the work they are producing and when 11/06/2018 Supporting OA implementation, Helen Blanchett
Jisc’s regional and national engagement Jisc is based in seven UK nations and regions with dedicated account managers for each organisation so that… …you have a complete view of Jisc services and their benefits and ways to shape future services …you get the greatest savings and efficiencies and ways to improve the learning, teaching and research experience 11/06/2018 Supporting OA implementation, Helen Blanchett
For more information, contact… Helen Blanchett Helen.Blanchett@jisc.ac.uk Sign up for the quarterly OA digest jisc.ac.uk/forms/sign-up-for-our-open-access-digest oasupport@jisc.ac.uk Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND Go to ‘View’ menu > ‘Header and Footer…’ to edit the footers on this slide (click ‘Apply’ to change only the currently selected slide, or ‘Apply to All’ to change the footers on all slides). 11/06/2018 Supporting OA implementation, Helen Blanchett